Chapter 1

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Twenty years ago

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Twenty years ago......

I dance around with Hunter in my room.

Dressed in a old white shirt and shorts, Mommy had in my dresser. While Hunter is in his normal clothes, pants and a shirt. We snuck one of Daddy's bow ties and it is hanging around his neck.

Hunter is my only friend at school. It helps we are neighbors and can play whenever we want too. If we are not in time out or grounded.

He is my partner in crime.

"I want to marry you." Hunter says, showing me his smile even though a tooth is missing.

"I love you Hunter." I shyly, tell him.

Hunter pulls a ring pop out, and it is my favorite flavor. The blue one is best.

I open the candy, but Hunter stops me. He puts it on my pointy finger and holds my hand.

"I love you too, Emma." Hunter smiles, his cheeks turning red.

Hunter kisses my cheek, before pulling me down so we can play with my dolls.

We made a deal a long time ago, if we are here he plays dress up with me and if I am at his house we play with his cars.

The boy doll is in some fancy dress clothes. Hunter holds him.

I pull out the prettiest dress I have for my doll and put it on her. It used to be a white dress, but the last time we played some of my juice drink splashed on it, so now it has some blue dots. That is okay though because it is still the prettiest dress I have for my dolls.

I hold the girl doll and walk her on the carpet to Hunter's boy doll.

We use the dolls and dance like you see on television.

I think all the time the girls spin how they will fall, but the boy always holds them up. Mama likes to watch that one show that is nothing but dancing. I don't know the name but it is all dancing.

Mommy always says dance like the stars in the sky there is no limits.

Stars in the sky doesn't dance though. I have looked out my window at night a lot just to see if they do. Sometimes they just blink, so I don't understand that.

One day, I will dance like them and Hunter can hold me up.

"Liam Hunter! Time to get downstairs." Hunter's mom calls up stairs to my room.

"I got to go now." Hunter looks sad.

"I can come play at your house." I tell him.

"If Mama and Dad say yes. Everything in the house is in boxes. They are still fighting at night, when they think I am asleep." Hunter sighs.

"I don't get why they can not get along like your parents do." Hunter stands, holding the boy doll.

"Mommy told Daddy that your parents don't get along. Maybe they need to be better friends." I stand up too.

"I wish they would." Hunter hands me the doll.

"Time to go now, Hunter." Merissa calls.

Hunter walks out the door and I follow him down the stairs. We are never allowed to have my door closed, when we play with the dolls. That is the rules Mommy and Daddy told us for my room.

Mommy is standing with Hunter's mom at the bottom. I see Hunter's mom crying, but I don't know why.

"Hunter, tell Emma goodbye." His mom says.

"Can't Emma come over and play at our house?" Hunter asks.

"No, Hunter. We are having to leave and it will be to far of a drive for her to come play at our new house." His mom answers.

"I don't want a new house." Hunter starts to get upset.

"I know, but there is no other choice right now." His mom tells us.

"We will come back and live here when we get on our feet again." His mom keeps talking, while tears go down her face.

Mommy wraps Hunter's mom in a hug and is whispering in her ear. I can't hear what they are saying though.

"Mommy, what is going on?" I ask.

"Sweetheart, Hunter is having to move with his mom. Their house is going up for sale for some new neighbors to join us." Mommy answers me.

"No, Hunter can't leave. He is my only friend." I stutter out, my eyes getting wet.

Hunter hugs me and I hug him back tight.

"I will come back, Mama says we will. I will always be your friend Emma." Hunter tells me.

His mom takes his hand and they walk out of the house.

I see a large truck with boxes inside it.

Mommy holds onto my shoulders. I watch Hunter say something to his mom and he runs back to me.

"I still want to marry you Emma. Your my best friend." Hunter hugs me again.

I hug him back. I am still holding my dolls we played with.

I hold the boy doll out.

"Take him. You can keep him, so you remember me. I will know it is you again if you lose more teeth or get to old, I will always remember my doll." I tell him.

Hunter takes the boy doll. He runs back to his mom, when she calls his name again.

Sometimes adults get to mad and they tell us to have patience.

Hunter waves when his mom moves from the door she closed.

I wave back and can feel my face is wet.

Mommy makes me go back inside, when the truck leaves. The sky seems to get sad too, all the puffy clouds are here.

I sit on the couch and watch the rain. I hope Hunter will come back and his mom change her mind on them getting a new house.

Daddy comes in and I hear when he said it is time for supper. I don't really want to eat though, I just want to play with Hunter.

"Come on baby girl. We made nuggets for supper." Daddy tells me.

I jump off the couch, I am hungry if I get my favorite food.

"Wash your hands first Emma." Daddy laughs.

I beeline for the bathroom sink.

I scrub my hands and don't really touch the towel.

I sit at the table and Mommy comes over with a towel. She makes me dry my hands, then slides my plate to me.

I eat my nuggets but I still miss my friend already.

I eat my nuggets but I still miss my friend already

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