Chapter 9

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For the first night in years, I slept

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For the first night in years, I slept. It was not a restless sleep either. Looking at my clock, I slept an easy eight hours.

Even when I got home last night, I could still smell the ladies perfume. It put me in mind of a fruity scent. It was just a pleasant scent and not like how some people seem to drown themselves in smells.

That lady blew my mind last night. She went from sassy to sweet faster than one can blink. The spunk and her knowing exactly what she wanted, left me wanting more.

The only good thing is, I can remember every single detail of last night. None of it is a blur to me, even at the time everything had happened I was buzzing from the amount of alcohol rushing through me.

She would definitely be someone I wouldn't mind seeing again. I should have gotten her name, if she would have gave it to me that is.

One thing I didn't like is how she wouldn't let me walk her home or get her a cab. I even offered to pay, all to which she scoffed at me for. Even after I told her I wasn't trying to be a creep to know where she lived, I only wanted to make sure she got home safe.

Sure, I thought briefly about following her but then that would have been a creep move. I watched her until she faded from my sight. Which still to a point is a creep move, but to me it is being protective.

One time with her and now she is invading my mind. It is not like me in the least. There was something about her though that just seems to spark something in me and not just in my pants. Even if that head agrees.

Almost feels like I know her in a way.

What in the hell am I thinking? I haven't been back in this town but for a short time and before that it has been twenty years.

Just chalk it up to be lonely for a long while. That is what I need to do.

Like clock work a knock comes from the front door. Seeing it is Alex from the window, I simply unlock it, open and walk to the living room where I left my coffee.

"You seem better. At least the bags are gone, that you normally have." Alex clips, smiling like a fool.

"I did. I am guessing you got what you were wanting." I give him a knowing look.

"I sure did. Although, I think I am done chasing and looking to settle with this one." Alex grins.

I do a double take at him. Someone may have actually tamed my friend.

"A simple phrase like that actually doesn't get a come back." Alex laughs.

"Are you serious or just shitting with me?" I ask.

Making sure it isn't one of his little pratical jokes.

"Dead serious. Maddy is amazing, never have I met someone like her before." Alex says, extremely serious.

"Well, man. I am happy for you." I try to give him a smile.

"You think your shocked now. Get this she even stayed with me all night, and I took her back to the coffee shop to get her car." Alex smiles, like he won the grand prize.

I know my eyes bug out to that information.

"You have never in the years I have know you let anyone sleep in the same bed as you. Now, I know your a hundred percent serious." I sip the coffee.

"What about you though, man? I seen you at the bar." Alex asks.

I contemplate telling him. If I do, then I will never hear the end of 'I told you so" or 'Good for you finally getting some action.' Especially since I didn't plan on doing what I had done.

"Yeah, it was a nice night." I reply.

The lady may be invading my mind, but I think I will just keep it to myself.

"That is all I get? No action at all? Dude did you even try. It has been years since you have got anything." Alex exclaims.

I shrug my shoulders and give a slight tilt to my head. The best move in the book, when I don't want to reply or won't to what he is going on about.

The cell phone starts to ring. Letting out a sigh, I stand up and walk to the counter in the kitchen where I left it sitting.

I look at the screen to see it saying 'Mom' and I stare at it until it stops ringing. She will no doubt leave a voicemail. Which I may or may not listen to in a bit.

Half the time I really don't know what to say to Mom at all. She wants me there in the city. That is not something I want in the least, and has actually caused us to get in so many arguments. Mom hates this town because of the memories, but this was my first home and I intend it to be my last.

I don't feel like arguing, so for now the best thing to do it just not answer the phone. I am not going to let the small piece of happiness from last night be ruined this soon.

Noticing the email icon, I click on it. I wait patiently for it to open. I jump some from excitment and spill a bit of coffee. That sucks, the coffee will be missed.

I wipe the coffee up with a towel. Focusing back on the email to see that I have two people apply to learn to ride.

I move over and click the links to bring up the applications.

Taking a look at the names, I do yet again another double take.

"Something wrong over there?" Alex asks, getting some coffee for himself.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Maddy applied to the riding side of the shop?" I ask.

"Figured why not, I have been wanting to learn to ride and during my talks with her last night she wants to as well. So we both signed up. I am even paying for my share and she is paying for hers." Alex laughs.

"I wouldn't have charged you." I tell him.

Alex smiles and nods. "What's done is done. At least now we also have something to do for the first week open."

This day can't go fast enough for tomorrow to get here and officially open the shop.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

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