Chapter 49

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Feeling like a happy sap? That has been me the last month since finding out I am going to be a dad

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Feeling like a happy sap? That has been me the last month since finding out I am going to be a dad.

It was right then and there, I knew that I would never be like my Father is.

Alex seemed like a little kid right along with me, when I told him about the pregnancy. We both seemed like we had to much coffee finishing up work.

This morning, I was up early trying to search things online that could help Scarlett with the morning sickness. Making a run to the store before Scarlett woke, I can only hope this helps. It hurts to see her having issues keeping things down.

Scarlett walks in a moment later, kisses my cheek.

"What is all of this?" Scarlett looks over the counter.

"Little tricks I found online that could help you." I rub my neck.

"Thank you." Scarlett sits in my lap.

"Plus, I bought things to make up the pasta salad you are wanting to take to Mom's for the cooking." I rub her back.

"Perfect!" Scarlett grabs a cup and poured a little of the juice in it I had bought.

"Why does it feel like a small kid all over again drinking this." Scarlett laughs.

I laugh and watch her sip it slowly.

"I just hope this doesn't come back up." Scarlett sighs.

"Hope not. So, Mom wants us there by four." I round the counter, putting some of the items up.

"Gives me a few hours." Scarlett nods, having slept in finally.

It seems like it is no time before, I pull the truck up in Mom's drive.

"Got everything?" I ask Scarlett, looking at the huge container of juice water I bought her this morning.

"Yeah. Thank you so much for finding this stuff. It has been so lovely today not to puke everything." Scarlett softly laughs.

I get out and grab the bowl of pasta. Making sure Scarlett gets out safe.

"You will drive yourself crazy the rest of the year if you keep being like this." Scarlett shakes her head.

"Nothing wrong with making sure you are safe." I raise my brow.

Alex's car pulls in just a few seconds later. Maddy jumps out and comes right for Scarlett.

"What is that?" Maddy tries not to laugh at the large water bottle that Scarlett has not let go of.

"A drink that Liam got this morning, for me. I have been sipping on it since getting up earlier and no morning sickness yet. Sure, it makes me need to run to the bathroom to pee but I will take that over spewing anyday." Scarlett laughs.

Mom throws the front door open.

"Come on in guys! Food will be ready in another ten minutes." Mom chides, smiling.

We all walk in and help Mom where she needs it.

"This is what I am enjoying. The house is full and nothing but laughter." Mom sighs, setting the last plate down.

"I am glad we are talking again Mom." I pull her chair out after making sure Scarlett was sitting down.

Mom doesn't sit in the chair, but wraps me in a hug. I bend down to where we are at the same height.

"You are to tall for your own good." Mom laughs patting my back.

We sit down and Mom starts having us pass the dishes around.

"Scarlett mentioned you guys are moving the wedding further out." Mom brings up.

"Yeah, we got to thinking about it and we could do it in August while she is pregnant. Although, we both would like to have it right when we reconnected again at the Ball several months ago." I nod.

"What colors are you planning?" Maddy jumps in.

I look right to Scarlett, because in my opinion that is all her call.

"We haven't talk much about it just yet." Scarlett looks at me.

"You know I am good with whatever you choose to do. I don't have the taste or decoration skills." I shrug.

"Dude you're not kidding. The house was bare until Scarlett moved in with you. Not that I can talk, mine was the same." Alex laughs.

"This is so good!" Alex sighs.

"I agree with Alex. Even if he sounds like he rather be in bed with it." Maddy laughs.

Making the rest of us join in laughing.

"You go a long time without home cooked meals. There is nothing better." Alex smiles.

Knowing all to well what is going through his mind.

"I need to take lessons from you on cooking." Maddy smiles.

"I would love to learn this recipe." Scarlett agrees.

Mom's face beams and she is quick to tell both of them that they can get any of recipes and take pictures to try them out.

The conversation is flowing easily, right when the doorbell sounds off.

"That is odd. Everyone I know is here." Mom gives a weird face, standing up.

We are all silent, listening as Mom walks over to the door and opens it.

"Thought you could run." A gruff voice echos into the house.

I am quick to stand with Alex joining me. We get around the wall of the dining room.

Mom is trying to shut the front door, glancing back with tears in her eyes. The man standing there won't move his foot or body from the doorway.

I am quick to step up.

"What business do you have here?" I ask, wanting to get this guy to back off. Did he not get the point to leave when Mom is trying to shut the door.

"My business? This women owes me money." The man points at Mom.


"You're not wanted here Chad. I am not sure how you got her new address, but leave now. This is private property and you're trespassing. My Mother owes you nothing. If you want to keep claiming this bullshit, then get a lawyer and take us to court. But I will tell you right now, no lawyer will help you because there is nothing owed to you." I ball my fists up, at my side.

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