Chapter 20

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Last night was just perfection

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Last night was just perfection. Being wrapped in Liam's arms, having that sense of protection and security means so much to me.

Then for him to cook and make us breakfast, I have been in some far out dream land all day long.

At the store, I purposely bought enough food for several different meals to cook. I done all of this to where he couldn't pick out what I was going to be cooking.

So, I have spent the last three hours making homemade chicken alfredo. I just got the salad tossed and sitting on the table, along with the china sets I have had from my parents.

One lesson I remember my mom teaching was when having someone over that is special to you the home cooked meals are the way to go. Chicken alfredo is the first meal I remember her showing me and handing down the recipe.

The sauce has been simmering for a good while now, but it will make it even more flavorful.

Running to my closet, I am quick to slip on a simple summer dress. Then add on a pair of flats, typically in my own house I don't wear any shoes but for this I will.

While everything was cooking, I done a speed clean on the house. Even though it was not dirty in the least, I just had to do it for peace of mind.

I watch as the clock ticks down. The last ten minutes, I have thrown the food together and plated. So everything is sitting on the burner staying warm.

You know that creep that stares at the clock? Yeah, that is currently me! Add onto the fact that I am nibbling on my thumb nail, could have swore I broke that habit but apparently not.

It is just a few minutes until six o'clock. Right at it being four minutes left, I heard the humming of his bike.

The small vibrations it sends through the ground with the grumbling his motorcycle has, leaves my underwear soaked.

Stop, being so needy and focus on the delicious meal.

I listen until the motorcycle is turned off, and open the front door. The air has turned to a brisk cold chill. I move behind the door, not wanting to be a frozen popsicle during this date.

Okay, maybe I am being dramatic but I can't stand being cold for any length of time.

Liam jogs up to the door, giving me a smile as he walks in.

"Damn it smells amazing in here." He takes in another deep breath.

Liam removes his coat and I take it from him, putting it on the coat rack behind the door.

"Hope you like chicken alfredo." I make a small face.

Maybe I should have learned more about his likes and dislikes.

"I will eat anything once." Liam smiles.

I lead him straight to the dining room table.

"Take a seat. I will start putting everything on the table." I smile.

I make quick to work on putting everything out. During that I noticed Liam would glance around the dining room. It is sort of bare really, other than some random pictures of landscapes.

"There is so much food." Liam's eyes everything.

"Leftovers don't bother me. The recipe is a pretty big one and I can't cut it down. It wouldn't taste right." I laugh.

"Family recipe, then I am guessing." Liam laughs.

"Yeah, it was my mothers." I softly smile.

We once again eat in complete and total silence. It is something I enjoy though, we talk occassional but it never feels forced.

"That was so good, but I can't eat another bite." Liam leans back in his chair.

"Come on let's go sit on the couch. Let this food digest some, while being more comfortable." I offer.

Liam stands and comes over to me, placing his hand on my back. I walk us to the living room and sit in front of the fire place. The television is off to the side, but not on currently.

"It is so calming here." Liam sighs.

"This is my favorite place in the entire house. The sun never seems to blind you during the day and at night if you tilt your head back here on the couch the stars fill the sky." I tilt my head back on his arm.

Liam leans over and kisses my lips a few times, to which I respond.

We don't move to do anything further, just soaking up some of the quiet time before we are both back to work tomorrow.

Liam stiffens next to me, and I hear when his breathing hitches.

Raising my head off his arm, I look up to his face. His expression is blank but he is staring at my mantle.

I glance over wondering if one of the pictures fell. Everything looks to be in place.

Liam stands and takes three steps over to it. Liam bends down slightly like he is looking at every picture.

"Those are just my favorite memories growing up." I tell him, feeling the need to say something.

Liam mumbles something, but I don't catch what he said.

"What was that?" I ask, sweetly.

"I uh.. I need to go. Yeah, I have to go." Liam all but whispers.

I stand up from the couch, but Liam is quick to dart out the front door. He never looks back at me and completely leaves his coat on the rack.

Grabbing his coat, I run out the door. Only to see him on his bike looking behind him as he walks it backwards out of my drive.

"Liam!" I try to say over the grumbling of his bike, but he must not hear me as he takes off.

I walk slowly back into my house, tears pricking my eyes.

Cleaning up the kitchen and all the dishes, I keep checking my phone. Nothing. Not a single text or call from Liam, even after I told him he left his jacket.

Letting my body fall into bed with my clothes still on, the tears pour from my eyes.

What in the sane hell just happened tonight?

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Well the dinner went good but that is all. Scarlett is left wondering what just happened.

Does it make you mad that Liam ran out? Could he have just figured out exactly who Scarlett is?

When will Scarlett possibly put the pieces together?

When will Scarlett possibly put the pieces together?

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