Chapter 62

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This is one of the best feelings in the world

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This is one of the best feelings in the world. Being someone's mom. I woke up and changed Lucas's diaper while he was still sleeping and I look over his little face.

A part of me is feeling some sadness seep in that my parents are not here to enjoy this experience with me and be grandparents.

Letting out a small sigh, I check my phone and see that Maddy and Merissa has sent me messages.

Going through them, I smile when I see what Liam sent everyone after I fell asleep. I just sat the phone down when Lucas wakes up demanding to be fed already.

Laughing at how he already seems impatient, I scoop him up and he latches onto me. Liam stretches out and looks over at us.

"That is a sight I love to see first thing in the morning." Liam gets up and leans over to give me a kiss, then kissing Lucas on the head.

Lucas doesn't seem to like being distrubed while feeding with how he wiggles on my arms with a little huff he made. It causes us to laugh so hard.

"He already is like you." I smile at Liam.

"More like his mother's sass." Liam laughs.

The doctor walks in a moment later. Within a short time of being checked out, Lucas and I both are released to go home. Liam tells everyone that we are and they are quick to shoot back that they will be over after the shops are closed.

Liam places Lucas in his carseat at a slow rate!

"Liam!" I exclaim after Lucas is buckled in.

"What?" He turns to look at me funny.

"You're taking forever to get Lucas in the carrier. This wind is a little chilly."

"I'm sorry, Doll. I don't want him to get hurt." Liam kisses my lips and I get in the truck next to little man.

"You got your Daddy wrapped already don't you." I smile down at Lucas.

Liam jumps in and starts the truck, then looks to Lucas.

"Liam, you seriously have to calm down. He has to get used to noises and even though we have to be gentle with him, you act like he will break just holding him."

"I just can't help it, Doll." Liam starts driving,

I am about ready to pull my hair out. Anytime Liam had to stop he would keep asking if Lucas is okay, but I don't say anything because in a way I get it too.

I pick Lucas up and Liam is at my door opening it for me.

"I will walk him inside." I smile at Liam, who guides me up the steps and unlocks the door.

"I will grab the swing and bring it out here to the living room." Liam dashes off and returns with it a minute later.

We get Lucas in the swing before we sit on the couch watching him sleep. I lean over on Liam and he rubs my arm, while gently kissing my head.

"Thank you Scarlett for everything you have brought in my life. The love and happiness is like no other. I can't wait to grow old with you."

My eyes tear up and I lean up to kiss him. I sit up and look at the book on the table.

"You know we have the wedding coming up. Want to see what all I got so far?"

"I would love to see it all."

I open the book and we go through all the things I have wrote down. I haven't figured out if I will walk through the front door by myself or have someone with me. There is one thought I would like but I don't know how it will work.

"So I will dress in the office, then walk out the back door and around to the front door to enter in, to make my way up to the counter where you will be waiting for me."

"I like that. Does it seem weird we will be marrying in the coffee shop though."

"I don't care what everyone thinks. This is for us and my shop is where we seen each other with no mask in the way." I smile.

"That is so true and I agree with you. Oh, the same one that done the ceremony for Maddy and Alex is doing ours too."

"Yes, he is. It was a funny talk with him but he is more than happy too do it for us." I laugh.

A soft knock on the door, makes us look at the time and we know who that is. Liam opens the door and sure enough Merissa, Maddy, and Alex walk in with bags of food.

Merissa comes over and hugs me tight, before she lets go and walks two steps to Lucas.

We watch as she picks him up and loves on him, sitting on the couch.

"I am so happy! You look amazing for just having him too." Maddy hugs me and pulls me to the couch.

Alex and Liam talk for a few minutes and then they join us, handing out plates of food.

"Thank you for the food again." I laugh.

Merissa passes Lucas off to Maddy who is talking to him. I hear as she promises him all types of things that his Aunt will allow. Liam smirks because he hears it too and we know that some will be a no go.

Maddy hands Lucas to Alex and Liam had taken pictures when the girls had Lucas, but he is eating so it is my turn to snap a picture. We want to remember these minutes and pictures are one of the best ways.

Lucas gets back in my arms when he demands to be fed. Making everyone laugh at how he a newborn but already knows what he wants and when he wants it.

Everyone stays until way past dark, talking about Lucas and the wedding.

I want to ask the one question that is eating at me, but I want to ask this person in private and not feel put on the spot.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

What could be the questions Scarlett want to ask this person in private?

Everyone got to see Lucas! Some sweet moments.

Up next is their wedding! Long time in the waiting but the date and time is even sweeter for these two!

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