Chapter 41

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Last night was the first night I did not sleep much in a long time

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Last night was the first night I did not sleep much in a long time. Since being with Scarlett sleep has came easy, but not last night. Through the night things came back all of a sudden.

The past can be a pain with how things creep back and not even think about it until then.

Scarlett slept soundly against me most of the night. She didn't seem upset with the condom breaking on us last night. We both want kids, but we just wanted to wait around a year before we try to have one.

I have been sitting at the kitchen island looking into the living room area, and after taking all the Christmas decorations down right at the first of the year now it just looks bare. Maybe I should make a bookcase there? Then where would Scarlett place the tree next year.

I have to much time on my hands being awake since dawn.

"Good morning." Scarlett yawns walking up to me, kissing me.

"Morning, Doll. How did you sleep?" I ask, even though it seemed she slept good.

"Like normal, good." Scarlett smiles.

"You was not in bed though when I woke up." Scarlett gives me a pointed look.

"I didn't sleep much last night." I finish the coffee.

"Want to talk about it?" Her voice sounds soft.

"Just some past things seems like." I sigh, rubbing my hand over my face.

"You know I am here when your ready, right?" Scarlett wraps her arms around me.

"I know you are. Thank you." I kiss her gently.

"Time to get ready to go open the shops." Scarlett pulls away.

We get ready at the same time and she locks the front door. We get in her car today and the trip to the shops is like normal with some talking on what we both are planning to do today with work.

Scarlett opens her shop up and I walk in to get another cup of coffee and let her make it up. After holding the coffee and kissing her again I flip her sign on for her and walk to my shop across the street.

I get the garage doors up and the sign turned to open right when Alex walks in for the day.

"Morning." He smiles, going over to the tool box getting ready to finish on transmission that needed work.

"Morning, Alex." I nod. Going to start on a driving belt that slipped off a vehicle.

We work and the phone has been silent this morning, which seems like the when we first opened. Over the last month we have been staying busy with work, but not enough to hire anyone else yet.

One of the deliver guys showed up with parts that I had ordered the other day. So, I wipe my hands the best I could and look over to make sure the parts are all there and sign his sheet.

Right when the deliver man walks away to his truck, Mom pulls into the parking lot. I tilt my head some, confused on why she is here.

"Hey Mom. Everything okay with your car?" I ask, walking up to her trying to clean my hands on the grease towel better.

"No, not my car thankfully. I do have some issues we need to talk about though Liam." Mom's voice shakes.

I walk to the office and hold a seat out for her.

"What is going on Mom?" I ask, completely lost.

"Your Father showed up at my house this morning." She stops as she shakes harder.

My anger just went to an all time high.

"What did he want? How did he even know where you live?" My questions rattle off.

"He only knew from when he was paying child support, and I haven't moved since you turned eighteen and left. Chad demanded to know where you live and that I owe him money. He went off that he should have never had to pay child support and now I owe him that money back." Mom tears up.

I hand her a pack of tissues from the desk.

"I never asked for child support that is what the judge and lawyers had him do. When Chad filed for divorce, he said I was just a piece of behind to him and he didn't want a kid. That being tied down is not what he wanted." Mom breaks down.

I want to touch Mom, but she is in a cream color dress. My grease hands would ruin it.

I prop up against the desk. I feel out of my element on calming anyone crying down.

"Mom you don't owe him anything. If it was not your call and you never asked for it but the judge made it a thing, he needs to leave you alone." I try to hide the anger.

Last thing I want is for Mom to think I am mad at her, when the anger is at the sperm donor that is my Father.

"Did he just leave or did you call the police to have a report made?" I ask.

"He raised his voice getting louder. One of the neighbors came out of their house being nosy, but the small distraction let me slam the door close. With that, I locked the door which he start banging on demanding me to open it. My car was at the back of the house. So, I got my purse and keys quietly going out the back door, locked it and drove straight here. Leaving him standing on the front porch." Mom shakes more.

"Did he raise a hand at you?" I grit out.

"No. I kept distance between us on the porch. With how mad he seemed to be, I was not letting him close to me." Mom cries.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. Taking a look at the clock tells me it is barely after lunch, having worked right through until Mom came.

"Have you ate?" I try to focus on something else, before I go after my this piece of work called my father.

Mom shakes her head. Makes since if she drove straight here that is almost a three hour trip.

"Follow me. Let's go over to Scarlett's shop and get you a sandwich at least." I tell Mom.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Calm times didn't last long did it? Haha!

Feelings on Liam's father?

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