Chapter 53

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Why is it have a happy moment and then something comes in to try breaking it?

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Why is it have a happy moment and then something comes in to try breaking it?

Telling Mom and our closest friends that we are expecting, Chad shows up. Maddy throws a gender reveal for us and then what happens again, Chad smashes out one of my shop windows!

I am at my wits end with my biological sperm donor. Chad lost the right to be even called a father. No father would do this to their own blood. He was never around after the divorce either. For fucks sake, he didn't even know what I looked like when he shown up at Mom's house.

After getting back last night to Maddy's place. Alex and I cleaned up the decorations for the ladies. Then we bid them goodnight and I took Scarlett home.

I felt the need to keep apologizing to Scarlett until she fell asleep. It was really her moment finding out the gender of our little one and I feel like it got partially stolen from her.

This morning, I made her breakfast and tried not to gag when she wanted some spicy sauce for the eggs. After, I made sure all the dishes was in the dishwasher. We both got ready to go open our shops and Mom actually took Scarlett in to her shop.

I got a call the window is ready for pickup for the store. I am not having it delivered for the huge fee that place was going to charge. They wouldn't even be able to install it for a week or deliver it until then for that matter.

So, between Alex and I here we are picking it up over in the next town.

"Why does glass have to be so heavy?" Alex grunts with it in the bed of my truck.

"Beats me." I shrug, helping to tie it down.

"Hold on. Put this under that side to help cushion it." Alex hands over some of the old towels we got from the shop.

"I am trying to figure out how they said it is only one guy that installs these things. No tools or anything. What is the guy magic to be capable of doing it alone." Alex shakes his head.

"You got a point there, but we got everything to install it." I nod, looking at the other items I bought.

"Now, just to make sure you drive back to the shop like this is your newborn back there. Gives you good practice."

I look over to a laughing Alex. I shake my head because only he would think of it that way. I can't help but join in laughing.

The drive back was interesting to say the least. At one point the window actually slid some up the the front. So Alex, opened the back window and hung out of it half way to hold it in place. Praying the entire time a cop didn't come around to see this.

"We are finally back!" Alex sighs getting out of the truck.

"What are you complaining about? I had your ass in my face over half the drive back." I laugh.

"Excuse me are you the owner?" A Officer asks walking up.

"That would be me." I take his hand he has out for a handshake.

"I just wanted to come by and let you know that we haven't caught the man responible yet. We will be keeping a look out close by your shop. Does he happen to know where you live?"

"Not my house directed, but Chad knows where my Mother lives. He came there first before he done this." I inform him.

"Alright, if I can get her address we can keep some patrol cars close by. We have yours on record from the report made." The Officer nods.

I give him Mom's address and he said it would make it easy keeping a watch on both houses with being so close.

"I am one of the main officers and with this guy being voilent enough to do this, nothing needs to be without caution." The Officer hands me his number and tells us to have a nice day.

"That is a peace of mind that officers will be close by." Alex sighs.

I nod my head.

We get the window up and placed within a short time. Surprising us both, since we thought it would take us longer with it not being our thing.

"I hope you boys are open, because I need some help." A older lady speaks up behind me.

"Just had to fix some damage. Come on into the shop and we will see if we can help." I open the door for her.

"What do you need help with?" Alex takes over, grabbing the sheet to fill out what she needs done.

I walk across the street, needing to check on Scarlett.

"Scarlett in the back?" I ask Mom and Maddy, when I didn't see her.

"No, Scarlett is right here caveman." I hold my laugh in, peaking around the corner to see her sitting on a stool.

"She won't let us place the stock where needed. So between Maddy and myself we found a way to get her to sit as a time out and we still done the stock." Mom laughs.

"Like I keep telling everyone, I am pregnant not broke." Scarlett laughs.

I help her stand from the stool and she gives me a look.

"Precious cargo and all. Eventually, as you get more of a bump you will need the help doll. There is nothing wrong for the help to start now." I kiss her head.

"Great another way of telling me I will get huge." Scarlett sighs, making us all laugh.

"There was a Officer that came by the shop. He said that they will be keeping an eye out around close by because of Chad in hopes of catching him. I gave them your address as well."

"That is so good, they are taking this seriously." Mom nods.

"I am still sorry about last night." I whisper in Scarlett's ear.

"If I hear that one more time Liam. You're really going to be sorry, by sleeping on the couch." Scarlett raises her voice some.

"Here is a coffee." Maddy slides one to me and then another for Alex.

"So the window is up now." Maddy tries changing the subject, which probably is a good thing.

"Yeah, interesting getting it here too." I rub my neck and explain that.

By time I walk back to the shop the girls were laughing so hard.

"I got the spark plug changed in the car for the customer that was here. It had a small miss, so it was quick and easy." Alex catches me up and takes the coffee happily.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

They got a little creative getting the new window to Liam's shop.
Probably should have just waited for the professionals to do it?

The cops are trying to help and working hard. Who is hoping for an easy pick up for Chad?

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