Chapter 47

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I open the door for Scarlett and watch as she gets in the truck

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I open the door for Scarlett and watch as she gets in the truck. I walk around and put the food in the middle between us, before starting the engine and heading straight for the park again.

We made it to the park and once again, it is empty of anyone else. The lights are on around the pavilion area. Scarlett smiles and gets out of the truck. I join her a second later, holding the food.

We find a bench and it is completely lit up by the lights around.

"This is perfect

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"This is perfect." Scarlett smiles as we sit on the bench, which is slightly cold from the weather.

"We need to do this more often." I agree.

We open the food containers and I notice Scarlett has been a little quiet. Something that she typically is not, unless she is thinking. In which, I may either need to be ready for the spill of it all or run depending if I done something and not even realized it.

"You're quiet this afternoon. You didn't say anything the ride over." I go on and try to see where her mind is at.

"Just thinking about the future." Scarlett muses.

That doesn't narrow much of anything down for me, but it does make me have mixed feelings.

"Good thinking?" I ask, trying to get more. I want to help her if I can.

"I think so, anyways." Her answer is cryptic.

"Doll, you're kind of worrying me. Did I do something wrong here? Because you are not really talking." I rush out.

Scarlett laughs.

"I am sorry. I am not doing good at this. I have been thinking about something since lunch time and I have no clue how to truly tell you." Scarlett answers.

My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, because I am still totally lost.

"Please tell me. It can't be to hard." I gently coax her.

Scarlett closes the lid to the empty food box and stands.

"Come here." Scarlett whispers.

I am quick to follow her movements and stand, walking with her back to the truck.

"Just stand right here." Scarlett instructs, pushing me over to the front by the passanger side door.

I let her move me and then she steps back. Staying silent, I wait for the next step she wants me to do or listen to what she has to say.

"Close your eyes and put your left hand over your eyes. No peaking." Scarlett leads me through the little game she is playing, but I do exactly as she instructs.

My nerves are starting to get a little rattled with how cryptic she truly is being now.

"Should I be scared?" I smirk, trying to play my nerves off.

"Nope." Scarlett retorts.

"Does it bite?" I question.

"Uh, not yet." Scarlett snickers.

What in the world is going on?

I hear the door open on the truck, and I strain to listen to anything else she does.

Hearing the door again, I amuse it is closed.

"Now, hold out your right hand. No peaking, so keep your eyes closed." Scarlett keeps up her instructions.

I put my right hand out. Immediately, feeling Scarlett's fingers on mine as she moves my hand the way she wants it.

Feeling something kind of cold placed in my palm, Scarlett makes me curl my fingers around it.

"You can remove your left hand and open your eyes." Scarlett's voice shakes a little at the end.

I do it right as she says it, I see her first and she seems to be shaking some.

Looking down at my hand, I can tell it is a piece of plastic but with it being dark at the truck I can't make out what it actually is.

"Doll, it is dark over here. Do you want to walk to the bench again?" I offer, curious to be able to see what she put in my hand.

"Sure." Scarlett nods. She is quick to walk in front of me purposely.

We don't even make it to the bench, before Scarlett spins on me.

"Just look at it here. I can't take another step without you knowing." Scarlett smiles brightly at me.

I open my hand and it takes just three seconds for it to register this is a pregnant test. It says pregnant.

"This is yours?" I look up to a nodding Scarlett.

"We are going to have a baby." Scarlett tears up, smiling.

I put the test in my pocket and wrap her in a hug, lifting her off the ground.

I kiss her lips gently many times, not being able to get enough of her.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Doll." I smile, pulling her back in for another kiss.

"Let's go home." I carry her to the truck.

"So, you're not upset?" Scarlett giggles.

"Not in the least. May not be when we was thinking, but I am happier than ever."

"I found out at lunch time. I was doing work for the shop and looked at the calendar. I got to the pharmacy and you didn't even see me walk by because you was under a car. No one else knows, only you and I. Tomorrow morning I will call a doctor and get in to be checked out." Scarlett kisses my jawline.

"Keep doing that and we will be celebrating this happy news in the truck." I whisper down to her.

That is my weakness and she has found it. My little friend is straining hard beneath her in my arms.

Scarlett looks at the door next to us and gives me a wide toothy smile.

"I would be game. No one is around after all." Scarlett glances around.

I shake my head and put her on the ground, kissing her lips again. Then open the door and help her inside.

"Not a chance. We are not doing it here in the open and this close to a park." I try and really just talk myself out of it, because it has me worked up something fierce.

"Fine, kill joy. Let's go home." Scarlett sighs, pouting.

"I will make it up to you. I promise." I kiss her pouty lip and buckle her seatbelt.

Just finding out she is pregnant already has me wanting to do everything for her.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The park seems to be their go to spot for special occasions.

Liam sure seems happy but to bad they don't get some parking in elsewhere hehe.

Could the pregnancy change some things for them?

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