Chapter 26

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Hugging Liam always felt like a safe zone, and now it is even more

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Hugging Liam always felt like a safe zone, and now it is even more. The angle I am at, it is easy to look at the photograph and doll I gave him all those years ago.

I'm a little in shock he told me how he loves me. Do I feel the same?

Yes. I am whole heartedly in love with Liam. It may be fast, but this just feels right and to me is perfect.

"I love you too." I whisper.

Liam pulls back, looking me in the eye.

"Just because I said it, doesn't mean you have too." He sweetly replies.

I shake my head, with a smile forming.

"I know, but it is true. I love you Liam." I barely finish before his lips are on mine.

I lean into him and he picks me up, sitting me on the counter. His hands don't roam but just gently holds my head while we kiss.

My stomach at the worst time decides it's time to let be known that all I have fed it has been coffee today. That is not romantic in the least with the sounds of some walrus gone mad.

Liam stands back and starts laughing. Holding his stomach as he is bending over, while I sit on the counter like nothing just happened. Even though my cheeks feel warm.

"I think it is time for some dinner." Liam barely gets out for laughing.

Huffing, I push myself off the counter.

With the pans hanging from the ceiling, I figure he has food and I can just cook for us. It would be faster and I really don't want to spend time away from Liam right now.

It is weird, after what happened and I feel like this. Part of me thinks I over reacted and the other part although loves him is a little leery.

Opening the fridge to find it right at empty.

"You have no food in here at all." I sigh.

"Yes, I do. I have juice, water, oh look cheese, and condiments." Liam laughs.

"Great! I can make us a apple cheese slice." I roll my eyes.

"I'll stock up on food soon." Liam rubs my back.

"Why don't we go to the Diner and get some food?" Liam asks.

"Sure." I nod my head.

I am nervous to invite him to my house after the last time. That is where I am leery of.

We walk outside and he locks up the door before walking over to where I am standing by my car.

"We can ride together if you want?" I offer.

Liam nods and walks over to the passenger side door.

I get in the car and start it up, although trying my best not to laugh at the way Liam looks sitting in the seat next to me.

"You can adjust the seat to where your legs isn't going into the dash." I giggle.

Liam gives me a sheepish look and adjusts his seat back.

"I didn't want to touch anything with it being your car." He chuckles lightly.

In no time, we are walking into the Diner and sitting at our normal booth.

"What can I get you tonight dears?" The waitress asks, scaring me some not hearing or seeing her walk up.

"I will take a diet soda and then burger with bacon, with some mac and cheese tonight please." I answer.

Liam orders the special they have and a tea. Although the country fried steak sounds nice, I just want something unhealthy and a little on the greasy side.

My phone buzzes and I take it out of my bag. Seeing it is Maddy and she was letting me know she got the shop locked up and ready for in the morning, along with adding an smiley face emoji.

I send her a quick thanks and let her know I will be there first thing in the morning.

Looking up to see Liam is on his phone too.

"Sorry, Maddy was letting me know she got the shop locked up." I laugh slightly.

"Alex was doing the same, but said he hopes we are talking it out." He shakes his head.

"He encourages just like Maddy it sounds like." I shake my head.

"Those two are the same on a lot of things. It is good for Alex though, in the time I have known him and been friends, he has always been the playboy bouncing through the ladies like it was nothing. Since being here, he has settled and more focused." Liam laughs a little.

Our food arrives quickly and we talk just a little while we eat, but it is nothing to heavy. I did explain the new flavors I have out for Thanksgiving, all to which Liam wants to try.

When the waitress came back and lay the check down, Liam was faster than I was. Letting out a huff, I sit back in the booth.

Liam pays for the meal and part of me doesn't like it much. Maybe it is because I have looked after myself for a while now.

I walk out to the car and Liam places his hand on my back. He is quick to step out in front of me some, just to open my door.

"Thank you." I smile at him before getting in.

Liam rounds and gets back in the passenger side.

"Seems like I may need to buy an actual truck." Liam laughs.

"I have always wondered about you riding that bike." I look over at him.

"Well, the cold doesn't bother as much and there is chaps to help take the bite off." Liam shrugs.

"Count me out for riding with you on that bike if it is cold." I start the car, trying not to laugh.

"I wouldn't want you to get sick." Liam all but mumbles.

I put the car in drive and make our way back to his house. Part of me doesn't want this night to end after the talking we have done and the other part is saying take it slow to not jump into the bed rolling yet.

His sexy body though has my hormones on an all time high and there is not going to be any relief from it, not even using my toys in the drawer at home.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

They seem to be on the same page with taking this slower with their relationship now. Sweet moments all in all trying to reconnect in a way not involving the physical touch.

Even being away from their shops they can't let them go for any length of time. Is there a thing call to work driven?

More Holidays are coming up! So what could be in store for these two love birds?

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