Chapter 43

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Mom wipes her eyes and sits back in the seat

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Mom wipes her eyes and sits back in the seat.

The feeling that is swarming me has me feeling amazing, but mad at myself all at the same time.

I am loving Mom opening up and us talking like we have since Christmas. However, I am mad at myself because I made things harder on Mom growing up and all the time I spent ignoring her and fighting with her just made it all worse on her.

I have been a for crap son. That changes though, here and now. I will protect Mom from Chad, and I don't care what it takes at this point. He caused to much to go wrong in our lives and that will never happen again.

Scarlett hands Mom a sandwich and then hands me a plate.

"You both need to eat. Merissa you had a long trip getting here. You sir, didn't have lunch." Scarlett gives me a look and I know not to fight it.

"Now, you both are eating. I do want to say that personally, I am not comfortable with you traveling back to the city tonight. Especially, not being there alone. Why don't you stay with us tonight? I know you don't have clothes or anything but we have extra of the hygiene supples and I am sure my clothes will fit you." Scarlett asks, looking at me then to Mom.

I actually like that idea. Mom chews her bite and starts to turn the offer down.

"I agree with Scarlett." I pipe up, causing Mom to look at me with wide eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't want to put you two out." Mom shakes her head.

"You're not I promise. We do have the guest bedroom up and open." I smile.

"If you both are sure." Mom sighs.

"We are." Scarlett and I answer at the same time.

Scarlett gives me a warm smile and then takes the plates to the trash for us.

"What do you do for work now?" Scarlett asks Mom.

"I work as a clerk in a lawyers office. It is boring and not really what I would like to do. All that sitting hurts and is just exhausting, but not the fun type." Mom laughs lightly.

"Do you know anything about coffee?" Scarlett seems to be gearing in some direction, that I am not following.

"Not really, other than when I have had some of yours on my visits. It is interesting from what you have talked about." Mom smiles at her.

"Well I know you have said that you would not move back to Little Rose. Although, I do know we would love for you to move back and then we can do things more often. Plus, if you would be interested I am hiring. I can't think of anyone better than my soon to be mother-in-law. It would be great pay and I am willing to increase what your currently making." Scarlett blows me away with her offer to Mom.

It is perfect. I stare at Mom trying to see her reaction.

"I don't know about that. Being the town gossip is not fun." Mom stutters some.

"I doubt they would even remember that was so many years ago, plus none of them know the true story that we do now. Don't let that stop you, please. It would mean so much to us. I want you around more especially since my parents are gone." Scarlett all but begs.

Silently, I cross my fingers because it would be nice to have Mom around again. Not to mention getting her out of that city.

"Please Mom. Scarlett is right, it would mean so much to us if you moved back here." I speak up, surprising myself.

Mom looks over at me and I give her a soft smile.

"Where would I even live?" Mom questions.

"Well, there is some new construction going on about two miles from us. So, you would be between town and our house. Plus, there is many other small houses around that are up for sale if you don't want anything brand new." Scarlett answers before I can.

Mom nods and then smiles at us.

"It would be great to be close to you son and be in both of your lives. Looks like I have a new job and need to start looking at houses to buy. I just have to quit the job I have, and pack everything up and sell the house." Mom agrees.

"We can look once the shops are closed up." Scarlett claps her hands.

"Also, we will help you pack and move back too. Just need to rent one of the large trucks and I know on Sunday, if I ask Alex will help us too." I nod.

"Count Maddy and I in to help. Maddy won't go far from Alex and she loves to help out where needed." Scarlett says.

"I am in when I heard help!" Maddy yells walking by the door, making us all laugh.

Scarlett stands up and hugs Mom, waving me over. We share a group hug and the happiness is over riding the anger that Chad has brought in.

Chad may have scared Mom this morning, but she knew she could come here. Because of Chad he tore us apart when I was just a small child, but now we are coming together.

"I have to get back to work and finish up the car. The owners are expecting it to be done today." I stand.

"Good! You go do that and I will be here with Merissa. She can hang out with Maddy and I until we close." Scarlett smiles.

"Oh, that sounds like fun! Count me in." Mom smiles big, the first one she has done in years.

"Most definitely. There is so much to play with all the different flavors of coffees there is. Not to mention learning the machines to make it all. We are going to have fun. Oh, we need to tell Maddy too and I need to take the ad down." Scarlett rambles, making me smile at her.

I am beyond happy for Mom being here with us. It feels more complete having the closeness with Mom again and to know she will be moving back to town it is the cherry on top of one of those delicious lattes Scarlett makes.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Liam is feeling like a bad son but is out to help his mom. Scarlett seems to be helping there with the little pushes on getting Merissa to stay at their house.

That would be the safest option for Liam's mom?

Plus Merissa is moving back to Little Rose! Scarlett was a little extra sneaky hiring her to work with her and Maddy.

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