Chapter 13

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The waitress brought over the check and before I can pick it up, Scarlett swipes it

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The waitress brought over the check and before I can pick it up, Scarlett swipes it.

"Damn girl, fast hands there!" I laugh.

"Need to be faster than that." Scarlett smirks.

"It is an unspoken rule, the man pays for the meal. So, hand it over." I wiggle my finger.

Scarlett makes no move to hand me the check, as she digs through her bag with the open hand.

With her attention not focused on me, I lean over the table. I go to grab the ticket, right when she puts it on her chest.

"You're not as slick as you thought, huh." Scarlett laughs, glancing up at me.

"I can still get the ticket." I raise my brows at her.

"Go ahead and try. Maybe they feel left out since they didn't get any attention the other night." Scarlett sasses.

I puff the breath of air that was in my lungs. This girl is going to be my match with the comebacks.

"Ghost and goblin have your tongue once again?" Scarlett smirks.

"I told you, not many people can handle me." Scarlett laughs.

"Oh, I can handle you. I was just thinking if you was serious or not." I tease right back.

"You may not know." Scarlett winks.

Scarlett stands from the booth, still holding that ticket.

I follow her to the counter. As the lady behind the counter takes Scarlett's card, even though I am holding mine out.

I put my card up, since apparently mine was not pretty enough to be grabbed. Now, I need to find a way to repay her. It doesn't feel right having someone else pay for my meal.

"Are you coming?" Scarlett's voice pulls me back to her.

"Sorry, what was that?" I ask.

"Everything is paid for." Scarlett smiles.

I put my hand on the lower part of her back again and hold the door open for her. I like the feel of the warmth that comes off her small frame.

We walk back down the side walk, towards our shops.

"Thank you for coming to dinner with me." I tell her.

Scarlett blushes and puts her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks for asking me. I truly enjoyed it. Plus, I may have skipped dinner and just had coffee." Scarlett smiles.

"That isn't healthy you know." I laugh, trying to be light when really it does bother me she does not eat healthy.

For some reason, as time passes between us I start to feel protective of her. Something I can not tell her yet, because I don't want to scare her off not when I really do like her.

"Well, when it is just me I either over cook and have to freeze part of the food so it doesn't spoil or I just eat out. When I am playing with flavors, I tend to drink so much coffee that I am to full for food." Scarlett laughs.

"I will be a taste tester if you would allow it." I tell her.

"I may just take you up on that offer. It would be good to have some new taste buds telling me their opinions." Scarlett replies.

My mind goes to the night of the Ball when we talked.

"Toys." I mumble.

"What is that?" Scarlett looks up to me confused.

"Uh, the Ball you mentioned toys." I blush.

What is wrong with me? I would swear this was middle school, with how I am acting.

Scarlett laughs doubling over, using one hand to hold her stomach. I watch wondering if she will be falling to the sidewalk or not, but she waves off my worries.

"Liam you know, toys toys." She gives me a raised eyebrow.

"I figure you mean adult verisons?" Why did I have to say anything out loud.

The filter needs to be used when around this lady or I will be spilling my entire guts in no time. Then again, she mentioned it first two days ago and my brain is just wanting to pick it out at this exact time.

"I have many different ones. I mean I am not a nun and two years alone, yeah I had to improvise." Scarlett smiles, while her cheeks are bright red.

"So we was both needing a close personal touch the other night." I muse over it all.

"I was not just trying to hook anyone. Not that I would take anything back, since it was at least on my side enjoyable." Scarlett rambles, something I notice she does while nervous.

"Enjoyable." I repeat, grunting some.

"If I must say it, fine. That was the best damn lay I have had in my entire life." Scarlett all but whispers to where I could barely hear it.

Scarlett goes to walk towards her car, since we just made it back to her shop.

I pull her arm gently, causing her to fall towards me and I spin her at the same time. Scarlett places both hands on my chest and slowly looks up at me.

"There is one thing I didn't get the other night and it should have been the first step. However, we seem to be doing things way out order for proper steps in a relationship."

"We are in a relationship?" Scarlett moves to where she is off me.

"I want to be in one with you."

I lean down and gently capture her lips as soon as I admitted what I want with her.

Scarlett sucks in some air, but her lips move on mine. Her lips are so soft. The soft moans she lets out is driving me crazy and the other part agrees.

I will not do anything this soon. I want to do this right, as good as I can and not be just another quick fix.

Scarlett pulls back, while she flushes.

"Goodnight, Liam."

"Goodnight Scarlett."

Scarlett gets in her car, while I walk across the street. I take my helmet off my bike and straddle it, just as Scarlett backs out of her parking spot.

I wait a few minutes, not wanting her to think I am following her since she is heading the same way I have to go to get towards my house.

Tonight was better than I could have hoped for and I want many more with Scarlett.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Cute moment? They had their first kiss!

It should seem they don't have much of a filter around each other either with Liam saying what he thinks out loud.

Is it sweet that he wants to do things in the right order this time with Scarlett and not just have the one night stand?

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