Chapter 51

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It has been a few months past since everything happened with Chad

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It has been a few months past since everything happened with Chad. Honestly, it has been to quiet from that end, and none of us have heard or seen him.

Scarlett is now right at twenty one weeks pregnant. It has been amazing to watch her stomach slowly growing larger and knowing our little one is in there.

Two days I have been on edge and antsy. We could have found out the gender of the baby Friday, but between all the ladies they decided to do a gender reveal. Maddy was more on wanting to do it for Scarlett and I am letting her choose, she is the one carrying and growing our little one.

So here we are, I am sporting a yellow shirt and Scarlett in a yellow dress. Standing out on the back lawn at Maddy's house. Scarlett wanted us to be neutral that way we don't look like we are favoring one side or the other in any pictures.

"Can we please find out now?" I all but whine.

It has been a thing when Scarlett and I ask each other what we are hoping. I can't lean one way or the other, because I want to know what the baby is and not choose which gender because I am grateful either way.

"Here you go!" Maddy laughs.

I wrap my arms around Scarlett's back and rub over her bump. She leans back against me and kisses me gently.

"Are you ready to find out what the little one is?" Scarlett teases.

"God yes! How are you so calm?" I whisper against her lips.

Scarlett pulls the string and the banner falls a few feet away from us. Scarlett squeals when we see all the blue on it, saying 'Welcome Baby Boy.'

I spin Scarlett around and kiss her lips with so much passion.

"We are having a son!" Scarlett tears up.

"That we are, Doll." I smile, kissing her again.

Right at that moment, our little man kicks. I feel when he does with how Scarlett is against me. I stand back and drop to my knee, kissing her bump.

"Hello, son." I whisper, rubbing over the area.

Maddy and Mom are jumping up and down.

"Do you know how hard it was to get this banner fixed and not tell anyone?" Maddy laughs, hugging Scarlett.

"You should have seen this one since the appointment." Scarlett laughs pointing to me.

"This is awesome man!" Alex pats my back.

"Now we need his name!" Mom chimes in.

"We are still working on that." I laugh.

A horn sounds and Alex is quick to run around the front of the house.

He walks back and holds up bags. "Foods here."

I walk over to him, with the ladies all gather gushing over our little boy.

"Are you ready? Your wedding is coming up soon." I ask Alex while we put the food on the table.

Scarlett will be happy to see the the food. Since she has been craving anything spicey. It is loaded with different foods.

"I am so ready. Our tuxes came in also." Alex smirks.

I swear I will only wear a tux for his wedding then if Scarlett has me wear it for ours. Otherwise it can sit collecting dust, those things get uncomfortable and hot.

Arms wrap around my back and I can feel when Scarlett's hands sneak under my shirt in the front.

"Something smells good over here." Scarlett hums.

"My cologne or the food?" I smirk.

"Can I say both. If there was a way to get food and you at the same time I would." Scarlett whispers in my ear.

I take in a deep breath, willing my little friend to stay down.

I grab Scarlett a plate and she smiles at me.

Once she is sitting in the lawn chair and eating, I get my plate.

"I am hapy for you both." Mom smiles at me.

"It is the best feeling in the world."

We all sit in the lawn chairs that are circling the fire pit and enjoy the company. There is not many of us, but we all feel complete. I can't wait for our little man to get here.

My phone starts letting a different tone play. I pull it out, knowing it is one that is set to the cameras at the shop.

Scarlett looks over. "Is everything okay?"

"The alarm for the shop is going off." I frown at the phone, unlocking it.

I wait impatiently for the image to pull up. Right when it does, my blood pressure goes through the roof.

"I got to go!" I jump up and put my plate on the table.

"What is going on?" Scarlett asks sternly.

"Someone broke out one of the front windows." I answer.

"You stay here, I will be back soon." I kiss her quickly.

Alex is right next to me and jumps in the passanger side of my truck. We take off for the shop.

"Does it show who done it?" Alex asks.

"No, I logged in to late. It just shows the the current frame the camera shows. So, when we get there I will call the cops and look on the monitors going back on them to see if it shows the persons face." I fume.

We get to the shop faster than it should have taken, but I was going well over the speed limit.

The glass is pushed to the inside of the shop, which is normal if it was smashed from the outside into the shop.

"I am going to see if any tools or parts are missing." Alex runs into the garage side once I unlock the door.

I put in a call to the Sheriffs Department and wait for them to come in. Walking to the desk, I unlock the computer and pull up all the camera feeds.

After a few minutes, I get the cameras to play back. I see when someone walks up and looks into the shop. The hat on the guy is blocking the face.

Right when the bat is brought up, I pause the image and the face is clearly on view. Chad.

The Officer makes it to the shop quickly and I give him a copy of the recording. I tell the Officer I want to press charges on this.

Alex took the truck to get a plank of wood for us to put up until I can get a new window put in.

Well today was a fun and exciting day until this happened. No, I can't let this prick take the happiness away from finding out I am having a son.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

It's a boy! Anyone guessing names?

They had quiet time in between but now Chad's back and causing damage.

Chad has choose the wrong time to show up with everything happening.

Guesses on what Chad may try next or when? Could the cops catch him before he can?

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