Chapter 59

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I laugh the entire time Maddy pushes Alex out the back door with me

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I laugh the entire time Maddy pushes Alex out the back door with me. We hoped it was not to obvious on what the ladies were wanting to do.

Mom and Maddy came to Alex and I though text early in the day. Apparently, they have been buying things for our little man, but wanted to have something special with Scarlett. Since we are such a small little group and the fact that we had a gender reveal, they wanted to take her out to dinner at the Diner.

Alex and I ordered our food earlier and it is already sitting in my truck. We will eat once we get to my house. Since, the ladies are going out it gives me time to get all the nursery furniture up and placed. Alex seems to be excited to help me with putting it all together.

I get in my truck and Alex joins. I drive us to my house, knowing the ladies will all be coming here after they eat and do the little gifts there.

I get the front door unlocked, and Alex takes the food to the counter. We eat quickly and wash off, before walking into the room right next to mine and Scarlett's.

We look over the boxes that are on the ground.

"Where do we start?" Alex points to everything.

"So the crib first, seems the most logical. Then we have that rocking chair, dresser or chest which ever it is, then a swing of some sorts, and I think that is a little bookshelf type thing."

"It is going to be a decked out nursery." Alex laughs.

"Yeah, but it will last him for several years without needing to be upgraded much other than the bed over time for the first several years." I repeat the exact reason Scarlett done with me.

"Makes sense. Well, here is the bag of tools I brought along." Alex pulls in the small bag with the basics screwdriver set and other things.

Taking a knive, we slice through the tape on the boxing and start to open everything up in the areas that each piece will be placed. Probably not smart by opening every box, but there is times the same tools can work for other furniture.

Alex puts the instructions on top of the box along with the pieces laying next to it.

Scoffing, I pick the the wood for the crib and it seems easy enough. Taking a look at the screws I pull out the screwdriver and start putting it together. Alex joins and holds up two pieces while I get the screws in place and partially tighten, then add on the three piece and then the fourth piece.

The frame to the crib is standing on its own now. I smirk, who needs instructions this one is simple. Not to mention they had it labeled by letter and color to know which piece fits to which.

The crib takes no time and it is completely put together and the mattress laying in it.

"Which one next, dresser or chair? Since those would be the next needed things." Alex looks at me.

I walk over to the dresser and start pulling the piece out more to look at them. Once again, seems simple enough.

"I got this one, it doesn't seem like it will take to much to do."

"Great, I will get started on the chair then. Make things go even faster." Alex laughs.

We get to work in the peaceful silence. I am enjoying all of this, because it just makes it seem so much real on not being far off before he is here and needing all of this to help care for him.

Within a short time the dresser and chair is put together. We finished right at the same time, giving us both a good laugh.

Walking over the the swing it seems easy, but nothing is adding up. Alex finally huffs and grabs the instructions.

He hands them over and it looks like it is not even something a expert would know how to put together. This is the most confusing thing. Why couldn't this one be easy?

"You must be thinking the same I am."

"Yeah, this right here is for the birds apparently." I lay the metal bar over.

"Wow, it looks great in here already!" Scarlett's voice says from the door.

I stand, resting the metal against the wall with Alex doing the exact same.

"How was dinner?" I walk to give her a kiss.

"It was amazing! You got to come see everything." Scarlett pulls me to the living room.

"You guys went a little overboard with the shopping." I laugh at the bags.

"No we did not. My grandson deserves it all and more. Besides, we know that other than furniture you two hadn't bought anything else yet so it opened the doors for me to go in and buy." Mom hugs Scarlett and me.

"Thank you Mom." I hug her back.

I go through it all with Scarlett and we take the nursery, to place it on top of the dresser.

"I know what I will be doing tomorrow. I got to take tags off and start getting things washed up." Scarlett gets bubbly, and seeing her like this is what makes me happy.

"When do you want us over to help decorate?" Maddy asks.

"Well they need to finish the last two pieces on getting together then we can. If it isn't to late for everyone?" Scarlett asks.

It isn't late and everyone seems just as excited so we get to work.

"You are actually using instructions!" Scarlett laughs at us.

"Yes for this one, because it was not so simple." I nod, huffing at the swing that is finally almost put together.

One thing is Maddy was able to figure this one out more than Alex and I put together. So, we are standing here letting Maddy instruct us while Scarlett is enjoying the rocking chair.

The night going smoothly, getting the last few items put together and then to decorate the room for our bundle of joy.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

No such thing as over board for buying for a baby right?

Who needs instructions? Leave it to the guys to put most of it all together without them!

Maddy slides in to help with one piece the guys were about to probably start beating haha!

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