Chapter 58

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A few weeks have passed since everything has happened

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A few weeks have passed since everything has happened. Everyone has been slightly more overbearing, but I haven't said anything. I don't want to hurt their feelings and they have a right since it scared them too.

It is something that we haven't talked about further, but he is in jail and that to me is the biggest thing. Along with my little one being healthy and I am healed just fine from the cuts.

So, may be early but nesting has started for me but I barely have two months left in this pregnancy. Since, things have happened no one lets me do much even at the shop.

The only time I get away with being on my feet long now being this far along, is when we are during rush hours. Meaning the last few days, I have had to much time looking over little themes and different things to do for baby boy.

Liam liked the idea of the zoo animal theme. Which gave me the go ahead and been ordering like crazy. The crib and other furniture arrived last night. Watching Liam pull the boxes to the nursery made me so happy because it really won't be much longer before baby boy is here.

We finally settled on a name too. I believe because when we said the name the baby kicked and it felt perfect. Although, we are not telling the others. It may be bad, but when they ask we just tell them we haven't decided yet.

I just got done with another order, but this order is for the shop. It is already getting close to October, and everything going on I have not even thought about flavors for Halloween yet. I don't want to push it either because it will be a busy month as is. The baby coming, our wedding and then the annual Ball too.

Sure, I could stick with last years flavors. Where is the fun in that though? I would like to have at least one new flavor, since it is another year.

"Just what are you doing?" Liam's voice startles me some.

"Looking at things and ordering."

"For the baby or shop?"

"Shop. I really want to make up one new flavor at the least for Halloween. Before you say it, yes I know we have a little time before the beginning of October. However, I am partially bored and wanting to get ahead of the game. You know these things can take time to get the perfect flavor."

Liam burst out laughing so hard.

"What?" I huff.

Liam regains his composure, trying to hold his laugh in.

"I was just curious and you literally answered and said everything before I could get out anything else."

"You get to be my tester on then. Since, I can't have all the coffee I want to have." I let out a little pout.

I used to think morning sickness was bad, but that right now seems easy compared to not being able to have but a limited amount of coffee. Especially, when I was used to drinking it from the time I got up until I went to bed with very little water or tea.

"Alex plans on coming by tonight to help get the furinture put together for little man." Liam leans against the wall.

"Sounds great! Then I can get all the decorations hung up. I will see if Merissa and Maddy want to help there." I smile at the thought.

"We are in!" I hear from the counter.

I stand up and it takes a little effort the last bit seems like. All because our son is growing and it does make me so happy. Liam is quick to place his hands on me and I give him a small laugh.

I walk out front and Liam flips the sign off, while I help wipe the counters down.

"I am starved. What about you Scarlett?" Maddy looks at me.

"Sure, I can go for food since it is right at dinner time soon." I nod, watching her face.

"So could I! I don't want to eat alone though. Why don't Maddy and you come with me to the diner? My grandson may want a cheeseburger." Merissa chimes in.

Now they are acting a little weird, and Liam is laughing.

"We will make sure she gets home just fine. You and Alex go and get that nursery fixed up." Maddy smiles, kissing Alex before pushing him and Liam out the back door.

Maddy and Merissa look right at me and I am lost.

"We need some girl time! Now, let's get you, pregnant mama, into the car." Maddy giggles.

I could go for some girl time, it has been awhile.

Merissa drives us to the Diner and we all go in. I had to figure out a way to get in the booth but it works.

The waitress gets our orders and Maddy says she had to use the restroom. Though with how my back is facing, it shocked me when she came back holding a few bags.

"What is this?"

"Well, there isn't much of us around but we wanted to do a little something special for you. So a dinner baby shower." Maddy and Merissa laugh.

"Alex and Liam knew as well. They actually called their food in and took it with them. Liam is so excited to get the nursery up and going." Merissa laughs.

"That is true. I just wanted the theme to feel right for him and Liam was the same. He did actually like the theme and everything picked out." I smile.

I open the bags and there is so so many cute little clothes, and nick-nacks.

"Thank you both so much!" I tear up, right when our food is brought out to us. The waitress hugs me and places a few napkins down.

"It is the least we can do and best believe there will be more." Maddy laughs with Merissa agreeing with her.

Once we eat, we pay the bill. I am excited to get home and see how far the guys have got in getting everything put together. Please tell me they at least read the instructions.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Things are fast tracking to the end of her pregnancy and they finally got the nursery going!

Still any guesses on names for their little boy?

Poor Scarlett is starting to have coffee withdrawls deeply! At least she has Liam for a taste buds tester haha!

Was the ladies sneaky with having the small dinner slash baby shower?

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