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I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed ~

The place I was in, the people with me and the reason I was here had been long forgotten until I noticed them all looking at me weirdly. I do my best to quickly slip back my usual stone cold, emotionless mask and act like nothing had just happened. But of course Thor couldn't keep his mouth shut

"My brother's soulmate is probably singing, she seems to slowly be changing him for the better!"

I glare at him and almost bark out my words.

"Shut it and let's get this done with!!! Where's that shitty mortal?"

Thor smiles back at me while the others seem bothered by our exchange, probably imagining my mate as an evil monster, just like me. Little do they know she seems to be the complete opposite, although with only knowledge of her taste in music I can never quite tell..

As they guide me towards the cell they have this intruder girl in, I test around with a few simple spells, just to see how much this new stark technology allowed me. I come to the conclusion that most simple tricks are still perfectly doable but nothing that would imply attacking or running away seems to work with this weird bracelet.

When we stop I notice we are now behind a blacked out glass from which I can see a woman, like they said, around 20 year's old dancing and mouthing words like she was also singing as well. Stark hits one of the buttons on his control pad and suddenly we could hear what she's singing.

My eyes widen as both the girl's voice and the one in my head synchronize perfectly making me stop dead in my track's.

Naturally I start to analyze her and notice how her mid length brown curls move around crazily as she shakes her head, how she doesn't seem to care at all about the lack of actual music in the room if not for her voice.

She holds out her hand in a fist close to her mouth like a microphone, moving her hips and feet to the rhythm, sometimes even kicking at the air. My eyes stayed fixed on her bronzed thighs, her clothing including a simple gray wide t-shirt and some skin tight shorts, she looked like she was wearing pajamas. I notice she's also barefoot with not even socks on, as they seem to have been discarded into a corner of the room.

I guess they hadn't come to talk to her in a while, for anything other than food, otherwise she might've worried about being observed. To be honest I found it difficult not to smile widely in that moment, especially with how much fun she seemed to be having, even while being technically imprisoned.

What finally snaps me out of my amazement is Tinman's voice as he clears his throat pushing a button that probably allows her to hear us.


She stopped the moment his voice reached her, panting slightly, I try not to chuckle at how horrified she looked. Like a deer caught in red lights!

After this though, I finally get control over my own thoughts once again and process what had just happened...

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