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She puts the headphones on me and starts smiling wickedly like she holds power over me.

"Every girl just needs this every once in a while, can it fix depression? Not very likely, but it can certainly make you smile!"

And with that she hit play next thing I new a compilation of karaoke songs sang by a male voice started. Each and every song had some kind of romance in it and that man's voice was, to describe it some way, dangerous!

I pressed my lips tightly trying not to smile, but it just felt like he was singing to me, God bless his soulmate. His voice went from smooth to deep raspy or even soft, it was overall enchanting no matter what type of voice did it for you.

What did it for me where deep smooth voices and if you ever wished my death add old fashioned way of speaking to that and I might not make it.

Which is exactly why I felt heat quickly climb up my neck the songs turned older and slower. I all but melted in my seat quietly smiling with a cup in hand, what for, I do not know.

For a little while I forget all my problems and gently sway side to side with my eyes closed, completely hypnotized by this man.

I let my imagination run and of course my mind brings up the memory of that dream dancing with Loki. My breath hitches, the whole mountain of problems coming back, nope not now! I'm just letting myself get mind whipped my this man's voice, nothing else.

At some point I even start humming to the songs completely peaceful and careless.

"That's just how you bring a smile to any girls face any time of the day. I like to keep that playlist on hand specially when Tony gets on my nerves a bit too much"

I hum and nod at her taking note to look it up later I  go on eating in peace with sweat words sang to me through the headphones.

Completely oblivious to how close Loki seems to popping a vein on his forehead or neck. Maybe just crunching his teeth with how hard he's tensing his jaw?

Tony who had very likely felt offended by Pepper asked.

"Are those the romantic bullshit songs sang by that asshole?!"

Jealousy very clear in his voice making Pepper roll her eyes in exasperation.

"If any of our soulmates actually sang to us the proper songs we might not look for replacements. The poor girl hasn't even heard her soulmate sing ever! Let her enjoy some time off and you should try something other than Black Sabbath, ACDC and Iron Maiden if you actually want to seduce me!"

Next thing I now Wanda take out one of the headphones and puts it on before turning to look at Pepper with a smile.

"Could you please pass me the link?"

Tony was in shock gesturing around, turning to look at Vision and gesturing in silence once again.

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