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Thor was gone...

That's it I'm dead meat, Loki is definitely mad and I'm about to get gutted like a fish.

I close my eyes tightly waiting for at least a few insults, that probably wouldn't hurt as much since I knew he didn't mean them but would still sting.

After a few endless seconds of silence I can't help but take a peak. Big mistake, my soul almost left my body the moment when I noticed just how close Loki was.

"Are you actually that afraid of the... consequences, of your own teasing?"

In my surprised I'd moved back and was now leaning on my elbows with him closely leaning over, my legs trapped crossed beneath him.

Giving him my best smile I answer trying to stop my voice from trembling. Loki sounded dangerously calm and collected, amused even, like he knew exactly how much control he held over me at that moment.

Something is defined wrong with me for feeling like any of this was ever a good idea, I also should reconsider signing up for an asylum considering I'm not actually scared by now.

"Oh not really it's worth it no matter what you decide to do now, maybe you'll even make it into more of an achievement. Could do anything tto me right now and it wouldn't wash my smile away, I made a freaking god's brain malfunction! Not many people can say that, well maybe Thor's friends, and as if to add up it's your brain"

The message was me telling him I thought he was extremely smart at least that's what I wanted the message to be. Apparently Loki thought otherwise and his smirk grew, creating an anxious uneasiness in the pits of my stomach, I just knew I wouldn't hate whatever was about to happen but would most likely hate my reaction to it.

"Anything leaves a lot of space for creativity darlin' and as I'm sure you know your king holds well off in that field of manners, specially when vengeance is involved"

His voice was still as cool as ice and I couldn't help but wonder how exactly he planned to take vengeance.

But most importantly my brain wondered how long it would take for me to cover the distance in between us and by simple logistic, in said turn of events, just how many miles my body would fly when pushed away by Loki.

"Perhaps I hoped for something other than vengeance in response to my... teasing as you put it?"

Where that came from I know not apparently neither did he as he froze again. God's the adrenaline rush would end me if continued putting myself in such nerve wreaking situations.

"Did you?"

It truly wasn't a question we where both slowly leaning in ever so slowly, no Thor anywhere to be seen, no one there to interrupt.

Now something you might've noticed about me by now is how comfortable and confident I am when teasing and flirting, that is unless the person shows interest in return which is exactly what's happening right now.

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