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Loki's pov

I'm horrible, I'm just as stupid as I keep claiming this mortals to be!

She had to defend me and take my side after such disgusting action. I had imagined it all and yet I could've sworn I was careful when picking up the clues.

I had most likely imagined them all, no matter the soul bond, I had been an idiot for even thinking she would consider courting me. The fact that she knew all about my past was motive enough!

How could I for a moment believe that she would actually be interested, she knows everything, being okay with befriending a monster never implied her even caring for me.


onestly I feel like having what Ren called a panic attack, perhaps I'm already having one. Staring of into space isn't something new to me, the difference is I can usually somewhat control or remember what happens when I space out I don't just black out apparently answering people and speaking!

That is something that hasn't happened to me since...well a while

It just felt too painful to breath, she most likely hated me and if she didn't she'd at least run from me for some time out of uncomfort. Great move Loki next time just go on and ask for her hand in marriage why don't you?!

The girl doesn't know your her soulmate, you're barely starting to have her see you as a friend. And you go and throw it all to hell by attempting to kiss her?!

My brother must have noticed this whole internal, he wouldn't usually but this isn't exactly what I'd call my usual crisis.

So when I finally wished to have some time alone away from the avengers watchful eye, hopping to relax in my room, my brother barged in. Because why knock?!

"Now speak."

I only glare at him, which was apparently the reaction he expected as he sits besides me on an arm chair. Taking out a liquor bottle, I recognized as asgardian, Thor stares at me intently waiting for me to create glasses for us.

When I do he stars serving us both which I do not decline taking a long sip of my glass, staring off into space.

A rough hand on my shoulder snaps me out of it immediately as I watch my brother speak once again, now a serious look on his face.

"I can clearly tell this is not what lady Ren told us as an excuse, you wouldn't be acting like this for something that ridiculous. Hel you wouldn't act like this even IF it was something relating to your infatuation with the lady! So speak, brother."

If he had such brains to figure up till that point then couldn't he say it himself and spare me the suffering?!

Also since when did Thor reach that level of intellect?

"I need to hear you say it, so I won't make any assumptions...no matter how obvious they seem to be"

There he was trying to hide the small smile creeping on his lips. He really was smug about figuring it out on his own.

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