Tankman John & Garcello Taking Care Of A Tall Child (Reader)

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Ask: Hi! i was wondering if i could request headcanons or tankman / john and garcello fanfic (separately) looking after a very tall kid reader - Anon Spanish speaker


Hello Spanish Anon! Welcome to my blog!


Tankman John Taking Care Of A Tall Child (Reader)

- Never let this man babysit

- He will probably end up teaching you something you don't need to know at your age

- Forgets how old you are because you're so tall

- Makes dick jokes like usual

- Sets a very bad example for you

- Probably showed you how to use a gun

- Curses in front of children? Yes.

- Probably has Steve take care of you instead if he has to go to work

- Good idea right?

- Very good idea, Steve would make a better babysitter

- Will shoot people who flirt with you

- "Never let a pervert live kid."

- Has Steve drive you home, or wait with you when your parent comes to pick you up


Garcello Taking Care Of A Tall Child (Reader)

- The only way he sets a bad example is by smoking in front of you

- He will let you do what you want within reason

- Will watch to make sure you don't hurt yourself

- Chill dad vibes

- Probably tried to make a few dad jokes to lighten the mood

- Doesn't curse in front of you

- Remembers your age even though you look older

- Will tell off people that try to flirt with you


- Tried to pat your head when you sat down, succeeded in doing so

- Will let you watch YouTube on his phone if you get bored easily

- Makes sure you get home safely, waits with you for your parents to pick you up

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