Personality Change (Tabi x Reader)

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ASK: Monochrome Anon coming through! I've read what happened and I hope you're doing well now.

Can I ask for a Gundam Tanaka, Gonta Gokuhara and Tabi with a cheerful & happy-go-lucky s/o, who suddenly went gloomy/distant from them because s/o thinks they're being annoying?


Personality Change (Tabi x Reader)

- Tries to brush it off at first as you just going through a rough patch

- But when it goes on for over a few weeks, and you become more distant, he starts thinking that something happened

- "Y/N?" "Hm?" "Are you ok?" "I'm fine. Why?" "You've been acting off for a long while. Was it because of something I did?" "No, I just didn't want to get in the way. I know that my personality had been a too enthusiastic for you to deal with at times. I just didn't want to annoy you."

"Oh for god's sake....Y/N, that's ridiculous. I practically live for your happiness at this point. Just be yourself, stop letting that voice in the back of your head win." "I try not to..."

- He's more angry at himself for allowing you to ever feel that way in the first place

- He's going to be more affectionate for a while, don't be too surprised, he feels this is his fault anyways

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