Pico Celebrating Halloween w/ His Fem! S/O

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Ask: Hey! It's me again! If it's cool with you, how would Pico celebrate Halloween with his S/O, who has it as their favorite holiday? I might be on a full spooky kick atm.

-Glasses Anon


Hey Glasses Anon, What's up?


Pico Celebrating Halloween w/ His S/O

- It wouldn't just be you two alone

- Somehow, Pump and Skid always find you two

- You end up taking the boys trick-or-treating, which seems to calm him down at least

- "How do they always find us?"
"I don't know, but I don't really mind."
"Miss Y/N?"
"He asked how we were always able to find you right?" 
"Yes, he did."
  "The lemon headed man tells us."
"Excuse me, what did you just say?"

- He didn't really want to dress up for Halloween, but if it's for a Halloween party, he feels like he has to

- Seems bored at Halloween parties in general if Nene and Darnell aren't there

- He hates that around this time of year Monster seems to pop out to bother you two

- Pico had heard that he usually bothered BF and GF so he doesn't understand why he always does it during Halloween

- "Babe, he's watching again."
"What is that guys problem? I swear if he gets into shooting range..."
"It's ok, he doesn't seem to want to hurt us."
"Yeah, not yet."
"Pico don't try to scare me."

- After a night of trick-or-treating with the little guys, he's trying to steal your candy and is usually watching a horror movie

- "How do you always find the best horror movies Pico?"
"I had these saved for today, I didn't think you'd want to watch them with me earlier."
"I would've watched them with you at any time."

- Would be just as happy to spend the day inside with the lights off with you cuddling up to him as he would be outside

- Doesn't really want to hand out candy either

- The one time that Skid and Pump showed up to your apartment he almost had a fit

- "Go home."
"But the lemon headed man said Y/N wants candy."
 "He's lied to you-"

"I do actually want candy though Pico."
"Uggghhhhhhh WHY?!"
"Come on boys, I take you trick-or-treating."
"Thank you Miss Y/N."
"You're welcome."
"Y/N, wait, I'll get my coat."

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