Coping Mechanism (Kapi)

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Ask: Hello there, i hope you've been well; and if you arent, i hope things get better for you.

You've been getting me through a tough spot, so i would like to thank you.

Anyway, could you do kapi x a reader whos just gotten through a tough spot and helps kapi with his doubts?

If its not too much to ask, of course.

Please and thank you. - Drip


Ah Drip Anon, hello again hon. How's my veteran member doing? I've been pretty ok I guess, I'm not mad like I was the past few days.

I'm interpreting your ask as one of those "If I can do this you can too, I believe in you!" kind of things. I can totally rewrite this if its not what you were thinking. I can also see it as helping with relentless mental illnesses such as depression. I might just go for that kind of vibe.


Coping Mechanism (Kapi)

- You notice that Kapi hasn't looked quite as perky as he usually has

- After a while, you realize that he isn't just going through a rough patch

- "Hey Kapi, we need to talk." "Did I do something wrong?" "No, why?" "I've seen a lot of movies and usually when someone says that it means something bad." "No, I just wanted to check up on you. You haven't been acting like yourself lately." "....." "Is something bothering you?" "Yeah. Promise you won't laugh at me?" "I promise."

"As of late, I haven't really felt all that happy creating music." "What happened? I thought you loved your job." "I do! It just really takes a lot out of me, and I've found a lot more people comparing me to 'better rappers' lately. I guess I'm just letting all the negativity get to me. They make me doubt that I can continue." "Oh Kapi, hon, you need to stop listening to other people's opinions when they're doing nothing but treating you unfairly. You are worth so much more than they and even you will ever be able to comprehend, so please don't cut yourself short."

"I know Y/N. It just doesn't seem to be letting up for me. So many negative thoughts I just can't seem to let go of. It's not just about my music either, it's about everything." "What triggered this? I know that up to the last few months you were rather happy about your life." "People online and in real life, anxiety over controlling my syndrome, and the hecklers that showed at the arcade certainly didn't help either." "Do you think it's becoming too much for you?"

"It seems like the only coping mechanism I have is venting....and half the time I don't even want to. I don't want to make others around me unhappy." "So you've just been bottling it up. Well, I think I have some advice for you still." "You do?" "You need to take a break from music, social media, and the media in general. The best thing for you to do is just focus on your mental health. Spending time with the people who care about you may be a good start."

- He ended up actually taking quite a few months off

- He struggled at first to block out all of those negative thoughts out

- But after spending time with his friends and you, and seeing a professional (therapist), he was left feeling better about himself

- "Kapi, how are you feeling?" "I've been feeling a lot better lately. It may have took a little longer than I wanted to feel ok, but that's ok!" "I'm so glad that you're feeling better." "I have you to thank for that Y/N." "Hm?" "Your advice was spot on. I'm not sure how you knew just what to do to help me, but I appreciate it."

"I just knew what to do because I got out of a similar situation before you." "How come you didn't say something sooner? I would've helped you." "I sought out professional help before it could get as bad as it did for you. Don't worry too much about me hon."

- Because of you, he was able to transition back into making music comfortably, and he could truly ignore all the negatives

- He'll make sure to do the same for you if you experience another rough patch in the future

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