Senpai w/ Nervous Perfectionist! S/O

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ASK: Hello! It's Strawberry Anon again! Thanks for answering asks... they've been really helping me with my anxiousness before school begins and provide me comfort hehe

If I may, can I request Pico, Senpai, or Whitty with an overacheiver or perfectionist S/O that may get nervous over their studies often? Thanks hehe, I hope you're well!


Hey Strawberry Anon! You're nervous too? I have a few weeks before I have to actually be on my college campus to go to classes like normal for the first time. Take a load off, play a writing game with me!


Senpai w/ Nervous Perfectionist! S/O

- He's noticed that you've been one to study constantly

- And that you're unsatisfied with any scores on tests that you've got since they aren't "perfect"

- "You're taking this too far." "What?" "You've been sitting here studying for over 5 hours, that's way too much time staring at your textbooks. Come on, get up and stretch for once." "But-" "No, you're done for today. I'd actually like to spend time with you before the day is over." "Ah...I'm sorry. I just want to have a perfect score on the next test." "You don't have to have a perfect score, you get 92% and above without trying. You really just need to relax."

- He's going to be keeping you from overworking yourself to death over your grades

- He will carry you, don't even try him

- Tries to break that perfectionist cycle of yours on a daily by praising you for scores that are less than perfect

- "Why are you praising me? It's not-" "Because you put a lot of work into studying, and got a good grade. You're a good student." "But I want to be perfect." "What's wrong with just being smart? You don't have to be perfect for me or anyone else. Just take a break and breathe."

- Will physically keep you from studying to the point of overload if he has to

- Takes your textbook and tells you to take breaks every 15 minutes

- He will hide them from you if you try to take them back

- Don't test him

- "Break time Y/N." "Alright..." "I'm not sure why you're so compelled to study for hours at a time." "I kinda just get way too nervous about testing, I just need to check that I'm right on what I know." "Checking, for hours? Hon you need to stop this, you're going to stressing yourself to death over nothing." "I don't want to be a disappointment..." "Oh Y/N....You could never be a disappointment, besides, I don't think you could fail at anything. You're way too smart for that." "Huh?"

- He envies just how intelligent you are some times

- Your grades are always higher than his

- He's an AB student, you always have straight As no matter what you do

- He'll break that cycle of yours, no matter what

- 'Please take a break Y/N and remember that you don't need to be perfect for anyone. Anyone who expects you to be is out of their mind.'

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