Portal Jumper (Kapi)/(Tabi)

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Ask: Hi.

Can you please write about kapi and tabi x a reader who goes go the fnf world from our world?

Please and thank you. - Drip


Heya Drip Anon! How are you? This will be like a separate ending to "Them finding out they're video game characters."


Portal Jumper (Kapi)

- "What?"
"I said, I found a way into the game. I'll be there in a second ok? Give me time to upload." "Upload? Y/N, that's dangerous! Stop the program!"
"It's too late to go back Kapi."

- He's worried that if you did it incorrectly that it would destroy you completely

- When you finally upload to the game and can actually see him in the fur

- He's crying, and shaking upon finally seeing you

- "Y/N."
"Hey, I'm here. You're ok."
"You did this for me...You trapped yourself here for me..."
"I have a way out still, I just wanted to be able to make a life here with you."
"Did you not like the world you were living in?" 
"Not really, everything had just been so suffocating for me. You were always my escape."

- He's happy to have someone real, and that you actually have more character than your placeholder npc

- "You're so...different than what I had imagined."
"Is that bad?"
  "No, not at all."
"Well you certainly seem more life-like than you appear on screen."
"I can't say I'm actually real-"

"You're real here. Remember that Kapi."

- It almost didn't seem fair, you took a fantasy and made it reality in the matter of minutes

- And he'll never be the same because of it

- He's going to have no issues living with you, no adjustments needed

- "Welcome home Y/N."
"It's good to be home. Portal jumping makes me tired."
"Portal jumping? Is that what you're calling it now?"
"Yeah. It's easier than saying 'entering a video game' isn't it?"


Portal Jumper (Tabi)

- You had just told him the truth

- "What?"
"I found a way into the game."
"Y/N, no! I know what you're thinking, stay out of the game!"
"It's already too late to warn me. I'm uploading now."
"Dammit Y/N."

- When you finally make it into the game he's stuck in between emotions

- On one hand, he wants to strangle you for doing something so dangerous and allowing him to live a lie

- And on the other he wants to hug you, and not let go

- "You were real, why would you do this?"
"I did it for you. I wanted to be able to give you direct contact with me instead of just touching some placeholder npc."
"What about your life? Is it really that bad that you had to portal jump?!"
"You are the only person that has brought me joy over these few years. And don't worry, if I had to go back, I have a way out."

- He's still going to be mad for a while

- But he'll learn to accept it, and learn to live with you actually being right next to him

- 'This is real, they are real. Something's off though.'

- It seems so bittersweet to him, he wanted to be real, and yet you gave up your life to be in the game with him

- He can actually feel you, which means he has to protect you from her now, he's so much more paranoid of losing you since your arrival


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