A Messy Confession (John)

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ASK: Hey sorry doing an ask when you've just finished your ask box.

Could you do Tankmen John x s/o who has never felt any romantic attraction until they're met him. All these feelings are so foreign to them they have no idea how to deal with them. Since John is cononly around 30 I think his s/o will be around that age too.

Bonus they do end up confessing to him in a messy way



I know this ask wasn't against the rules but I feel really uncomfortable with a large amount of it. All I can really give you is a snip-bit bc this is really messing with me. I'm sorry.


A Messy Confession (John)

- He's so weird

- Well not really

- He's just giving you that weird feeling people talk about all the time

- It isn't exactly "love", but you'd like to feel that too

- 30 freaking years and it's just hitting you now

- No wonder you're freaking out so much right now

- You really needed to just say it and get it over with

- 'The worst he can say is no right?'

- "Hey um...John?" "Ah, Y/N. It's good you're here. We have some things to go over." "We do?" "Well, I do."

"You've been acting weird around me. I want to know why." "Well... Um...." "Just be blunt." "I like you, like in a way I haven't experienced previously before...... and well it's really freaking me out." "Oh....OH..." "Yeah....."

"Romantic attraction is a new thing for you?" "I've usually just seen people as friends, I know others don't. I always found it weird. The feeling itself is weird...." "You'll get used to it, I got used to feeling that way too." "So this is normal?" "Yeah. For us at least."


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