Ruv & Agoti w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

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Ask: hope ur doing well, treat 😌💖 if it's okay, can request some headcanons of ruv and agoti with daycare s/o again?

also im currently in my oral comm class as of writing this but we're reading the gospel 💀 - nosey anon


Ah the daycare S/O! How wholesome of you! I really enjoyed that ask. Nothing like watching over a bunch of kids! This is shorter than the last fic bc I don't have quite as many ideas for these two.


Ruv w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

- The kids...are scared of him?

- He does have that uneasy aura around him

- "Hey mister?"
"Are you Russian?"
"How did you...?"
"It's the hat. Dad taught me about Russian culture. Said it "runs in my blood"?"
"Ah...You are a very smart kid."

- He ends up bonding with some of the older kids you look after, the smaller ones just annoy him

- "I don't understand why you'd want to look after them all."
"I just love children Ruv."
"I could give you one, would that end this?"
"*Chokes on water* WHAT"

- He only really wants one kid, all these children solidify that thought for him


Agoti w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

- Doesn't really mind the children much

- "Hey mister are you dating Ms. Y/N?"
"Sure am. Why?"
"You're lucky I didn't get with her first!"
"Agoti hon, ignore him, he just has a crush on me."

- He's ok with looking after and playing with them, he didn't like getting his pulled by a little girl that wanted to play "horsie" though

- "This is kinda fun..."
"I'm glad you think so, does that mean you'll help me every Saturday then?"
"If you don't mind having me."

- Is best with looking after the little kids, and is amazed by the amount of happiness they exude

- He may just want one of his own in the future

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