Wait, You Know What That Is Too? (Senpai x Shy! Reader)

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ASK: hey heyyy it's my first time asking for a request so sorry if I make any mistakes but could you do a senpai x reader fic where the reader is shy around most people but the moment you mention ANY of their current hyperfixations they just can't stop talking abt it?? thanks ^^

- 🌺 anon


Flower Anon? You're not new? Unless you happen to be someone else using the same emoji, and in that case you'll need another nickname, because that's one taken. Flower anon has already made two requests here already.

Regardless of who you are, welcome to my blog!


Wait, You Know What That Is Too? (Senpai x Shy! Reader)

- You have a track record for being shy around everyone

- That's sorta what had Senpai so interested in you in the first place

- That and you were cute of course

- "Hey Y/N!" "H-huh?!" "Hey, you want to go see a movie with me sometime?" "Ah, no thanks, sorry." "Why not?" "...." "Hey come back!" "Leave them alone Osaro, they're way too shy for an abrupt move like that."

- He felt a little sorry for you, you were constantly being hit on, and it made you look so uncomfortable

- He actually started hanging around you after that to keep these events from occurring so much

- You gave him a strange look every time even trying to run from him on occasion

- But you eventually got used to Senpai's constant presence

- "Hey Y/N." "Morning Senpai." "You've seemed a little calmer lately." "I'm just used to you being around all the time." "Ah, well that's great then. Maybe then we can hang out some time, I got a new Pokemon game recently, you up for a match?" "Wait, you know what pokemon is?" "I guess I don't look like much of a gamer, but I like their games."

- He just opened up Pandora's box

- After a few minutes you were so chatty he could barely keep up

- "So like I was saying earlier, Eevee has the ability to change their appearance to fit those of their trainers-" "Y/N, you sure know a lot more about this game than I do." "Ah, was I talking too much? Pokemon is just my hyperfixation, I can't seem to stop talking about it when someone mentions it." "Ah, I don't mind you talking, it's nice to hear your voice. You don't talk a lot usually." "Talking to people is just kinda hard for me...."

- He now knew what to bring up if he wanted to hear you talk more

- And it was something he had interest in no less!

- He built a relationship around that

- After a while you were able to talk to him normally and enjoyed his company, you still had a lot of issues talking with anyone else though

- Don't worry though, he'll always help you!

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