Agoti Introducing his Brother to S/O

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Ask: I'm sorry about what happened, that person was COMPLETELY out of line and I think you're a nice person.

And yes, my ask was based on the ice cream one XD

Anyways, could we get agoti x reader but agoti introduces his brother? (Sorry if you don't do that btw)

-Fabulous Anon


If you can give me context on this brother of Agoti's then maybe? Or was that just a mistake and you were wanting the Reader to introduce their brother to Agoti? I'm missing some very important context here.

Edit: I looked him up but I can't seem to find enough info about the characters and what their personality is like since he doesn't have his own Funkipedia Wiki Page. I assume you meant "Aldryx Andromeda" right?

If you can give me a run down on how this character is, personality wise, then I can write this properly for you.

Thanks for asking though! I appreciate your support!


Edit #2: With the help from our lovely Tank Anon, I can now finish your request.


Agoti Introducing his Brother to S/O

- You had met most of his family already by this point, you felt sad that he had such a small family

- You met his best friend, and his adoptive father Solozar, who were both very happy to see that Agoti had caught such a reliable partner

- The day you met his older brother, it had been a total surprise for the both of you

- He of course called Agoti instead of just showing up on his doorstep, but he was surprised regardless as his brother didn't visit often

- You could definitely tell they were related due to their similarities in looks

- "So this is my little bro's S/O..."
"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
"Aldryx, it's nice to meet you too. They treating you good Agoti?"
  "I'm certainly happy with them if that's what you mean."
"It's good to know my little brother is being taken care of."
"We actually take care of each other."
"Even better."

- Despite being so alike, his brother seemed to be a lot more mature than Agoti, which is rather refreshing

- He also just happened to be friends with Tabi as well, Tabi had never mentioned him to you before

- It was weird to know that he was best buddies with someone you've known for so long, you assumed that's because Tabi wanted to save his privacy

- Agoti, towards the end of Aldryx's visit asked if you could leave the room for a little while, he had something important to talk to his brother about

- When Aldryx was leaving he said he'd 'check in' every once in a while

- "Your brother seems nice."
"He used to be a total pain in the ass, but somewhere along the line he ended up growing up before I could."
"I can tell you really love him dear."
"He's tried his best to protect me, so why wouldn't I?"

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