Garcello w/ Flirty S/O

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ASK: 🩹here~! Hfhf hcs for Garcello with a flirty s/o i need it 😭😭


Ah Band-aid anon! Nice to hear from you again!

Garcello w/ Flirty S/O

- Is chill with your behavior so long as you aren't flirting with others while you two are dating

- Catching you doing so in a more than friendly manner with anyone else may just cause you your relationship with him

- More friendly flirting with people he knows aren't into/ interested in breaking you two up is ok, just try not to cross any lines

- If you flirt with him?

- He tries to acts chill about it and quietly accepts any compliments you throw his way with a smile

- It is very apparent by the light blush on his face that he doesn't mind the attention

- Makes jokes about it

- "You know you don't have to flirt with me anymore, we're already dating." "Awwww do you not enjoy the attention??~"

- Internal screaming inside his head constantly repeating "cute"

- After he hits the 1 year mark with you he becomes almost immune to your flirting

- Lightly teases you back at that point in attempt to make you blush

- It works sometimes

- Affectionately calls you his "seductress" and gets a kick out of any cute reactions you have from it

- Protective over you due to your "mature" nature

- Actively tells guys to "f*** off!" when they get the wrong idea

- Has to be near you a lot of the times to keep others from hitting on you

- Doesn't mind you becoming close to BF and GF

- Likes the silky voice you can take on during song

- Overall just happy to have an affectionate partner

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