Kapi/Tankman John w/ S/O Who Hums While Working

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Ask: Aight, think ive had my angst fill, so time for some fluff.

Kapi and Tankman x a reader who hums songs when doing random tasks and such.

Please and thank you. - Drip anon


Heya Drip Anon, hope you're happy knowing that you've made the most asks. This ask is kinda random tbh. But I'm random so why not?


Kapi w/ S/O Who Hums While Working

- He didn't really notice at first

- Until you hummed one of his songs

- He pays a lot more attention to the tunes you hum now

- Most likely hums along with you if he knows the song

- "How come you never sing while working Y/N?" "It takes too much of my attention away from my work to think of the lyrics. Melodies are so much easier to remember." "Makes sense." "You can always add in the vocals Kapi."

- Definitely picks up this habit

- He always has a tune playing in his head, so it was only a matter of time really

- Will add quiet vocals in the background when you hum or just hum along to your tunes

- "You ever try rapping Y/N? I think you'd have the voice for it." "I thought about it a few times." "Well what's stopping you?" "I don't want to outshine you dear."

- He really does like listening to you, you've accidently put him to sleep a few times

- "Kapi, hey." "Hm...?" "You fell asleep again dear." "Can't help it."



Tankman John w/ S/O Who Hums While Working

- Lets him know whenever you're working

- Just tells him you may be a bit too busy to talk, not like that'll stop him though

- He often tries to figure out what tune you're humming to

- He's not one to really ask about it, he likes the challenge

- Even if it means it'll be bugging him for a while

- If you hum while using a gun, he'd be a little concerned

- "You that comfortable using a gun Y/N?" "Mm? Oh, no, humming just calms me down enough to really focus on what I'm doing." "Does it now?"

- Feels a little more calm hearing you hum simple tunes, he knows you're nearby and are safe

- Plus even without lyrics he's still hearing your voice

- "Anyone tell yah that you have a nice voice Y/N?" "You, only every other time I talk." "Oh, yeah, I guess I use that line too much." "Well it's still nice to know."

- Might accidently pick up that habit because of you

- "John, you're humming again." "Hm?" "You really feel that comfortable?" "I guess you just do things to me that I don't even notice until others point it out Y/N." "More like you're learning from me."

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