Tabi w/ Doc! S/O

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ASK: Hello from Cookie Anon, thank you for answering my ask about Pico fluff. I appreciate it. If i may ask again, what about Tabi with doctor/medic (S/O)? I just thought him visiting them for some healing of his skull from fights could be nice

Its ok if you dont want to write it tho


Hey Cookie Anon! Welcome back hon!


Tabi w/ Doc! S/O

- He knows he can just go to you after a fight to be fixed up

- "I worry about your health when you get into fights like this Tabi." "It's not like I started them..." "I know, I know. Still, you're staying at home for a few days until these heal properly."

- He's not going to use your status as a doctor against you like some people would in order to feed their drug addictions

- You're the reason he would stop smoking

- "I don't get why you want me to stop." "Because I don't want the person I love most to die sooner than they should?" *Tabi sputtering on his water*

- "How many times have you got into fights this week?" ".....6." "Well at least you won. Let me get you some Lidocaine." "Lidocaine?" "Numbing medication, sadly it seems you'll need to get another tetanus shot." "Are you f***ing kidding me?" "No. The bat you were hit with had rusted nails imbedded into it. Better safe than sorry." "Ugh...god I hate people." "Hopefully that doesn't include me."

- Very grateful that you're willing to patch him up so often, and that you don't rush on it when he tells you he's in pain

- He calls you "Doc" as an affectionate nickname much to amusement

- Tries to stay out of trouble for you, but trouble seems to find him when he's trying to mind his own business

- You make sure he gets home safety after your shift is over

- "Thanks again Doc." "You need me to stay?" "I wouldn't mind if you wanted to."

- You stay with him often due to his violent nightmares that keeps him up all night

- You're literally the reason why he feels more comfortable in hospitals

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