Painful Night Visions (Garcello)

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ASK: 🩹back again!! Can I have some hcs for Garcello x s/o who had a nightmare about him leaving them? (as in breaking up w/them?) I had a nightmare about him and I feel extremely terrible, comfort time— 🩹


Awe Band-aid anon....I send love hon. I understand nightmares, I've actually been having a lot recently myself. It's weird for me, I usually don't dream at all.

Painful Night Visions (Garcello)

- If you woke up crying in the middle of the night because of it, he'd comfort you back to sleep

- Then most likely talk to you about it in the morning

- "You want to tell me what you had you upset last night?" "Nightmare. About you." "Did I hurt you in some way in this nightmare?" "You left me." "Oh Y/N..."

- Assures you that he won't leave you

- He'd be more affectionate for a while afterwards to make up for the bad dream

- He'll do anything to make you believe him

- Once you do, everything calms down again

- Happy thoughts Y/N, Happy thoughts


- If you didn't wake up until morning

- And he's already gone (to work, out of the bed/room)

- You'd end up trying to find him

- If he's in the house, good, then you know it was just a nightmare right away

- "Morning Y/N." "Morning."

- He'd probably be confused but not very alarmed if you burred your face into his chest/back

- "You ok babe?" "Nightmare." "You want to talk about it?"

- It's really up to you


- If he's already gone to work, it might just make you feel worse

- Like maybe it was real

- But a quick call will tell you otherwise

- "Hey sorry I left without saying anything Y/N, I didn't want to wake you." "Yeah, it's fine." "You ok Y/N? You sound like you've been crying." "Just a nightmare..." "We can talk about it after I get home, that sound ok?" "Yeah, that's sounds fine. I'll see you after work." "Alright, well I love you." "Love you too."

- It's not real

- Just breathe

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