Pico w/ Bullied Introvert! S/O

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Ask: Hello... if it wasn't too much trouble can you please make some headcanons for a Pico x a introverted reader who's not confident in their abilities or interests? Like, a person who gets teased for participating in fandom (ex: RPing, dubbing, drawing, making fanfiction). If not that's okay...

Also you can call me either Strawberry Anon or Calamari anon if you want...


I am sensing fear and hesitation just from reading this. But welcome to my blog Strawberry Anon!


Pico w/ Bullied Introvert! S/O

- He doesn't let you get disrespected when he's around

- If anyone even thinks about picking on you he's putting a bullet in them

- "Are they giving you a hard time again Y/N?"
"They always make fun of my hobbies, today's no different."
"You want me to take care of them?"
"Preferably not with a bullet."
  "Oh come on, I can make your problem completely disappear then!"
"Don't worry about it."

- He can and will worry about it

- He doesn't really understand a lot of your hobbies, but he seems to like them. They make you happy so why wouldn't he?

- The art you make for your fandoms are always amazing to him

- "Y/N, how'd you get so good at art?"
"Years of practice and experimentation."
"So you're self-taught?"
"Not entirely. I had several art classes."
"You mind me hanging this up?"
"Why would you want to?"
"It looks f***ing awesome, that's why."

- Tries to get you to see more value in yourself

- He won't understand the fanfiction you write, but he won't say a thing. He's probably going to read it when you're not home though

- Rping isn't really new to him since he's played DnD as a kid, but you'll have to tell him whether the rules have changed

- "Do I need my character sheet or no?"
"Well I wasn't exactly asking to play DnD."
  "Oh, wrong type of roleplaying?"
"Yeah, I do mine online, it's sorta like writing fanfiction."
"Oh, so I probably wouldn't understand most of the plot."
"No. Most likely not."

- If you want him to get involved in your fandoms, you're going to have to ask him to

- He'll make his own decision to go through with it or not

- He won't become as involved as you are, he's here just to support you

- He tries his best to comfort you as well

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