Garcello w/ FtM S/O (Dysphoria Comfort)

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ASK: hhh so I just saw in your request rules that you write disphoria comfort so can I request dysphoria comfort hcs for garcello if you dont mind? preferably for an afab s/o but if not its okay too- skid anon


Hi Skid Anon! I would pefer if you said specifically what your transitioning status is like MtF or FtM. As I've read, the terms afab and amab is actually hurtful towards your current gender because it invalidates it. Let's not invalidate anyone here.


Garcello w/ FtM S/O (Dysphoria Comfort)

- You've been lying in bed for a while now

- Garcello knows that on occasion that your mind causes you to question your self identity just because of the way you look on the outside

- "Y/N?" "Hm..?" "You doing ok?" "Not really." "Your mind messing with you again?" "Yeah, I keep think that the binder isn't working." "I think you may be looking a little too closely then. I don't see anything myself." "There's a slight curve left and it's bothering me every time I don't wear my hoodies." "You want me to buy you a new one?" ".....I'm not sure that'll really help." "Well, I know that everyone hasn't exactly been all that approving of you, but I think you should give yourself more credit. You have been able to fight everyone that has got in the way of you being yourself, and that is what makes you a true man." "Since when did you get so motivational?" "Since my boyfriend started having doubts about themselves." "Thank you..."


- He's going to fight off people who misgender/dead name you

- Being apart of the LGBT+ community himself, he understands the negative stigma that those who are transitioning face on a daily basis

- "Ah! [Dead Name]!" "AHEM, his name is Y/N. Don't make that mistake again."

- Always makes sure that his friends knows too, no need to make you uncomfortable if they were to slip up

- Annie and Hex seem to be the most accepting of your transition, or at least the most verbally assuring

- He makes sure that you take any medication that relates to your transition on time to keep your hormones in balance

- "I know that your parents will come around sometime Y/N, and if they don't, then they don't need to know the real you." "Thanks Garcello....." "Just give them some time to accept it. If they don't, you'll always have me."

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