Overprotective Cousin (Pico) & (Tankman John)

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Ask: Quick request so as not to make you feel uncomfortable after my last asks: Pico and Tankman / John (separately), being an overprotective cousin / godfather

* disappears before they kick him out for so many requests *

-Anon Spanish speaker

Ps: sorry for making you feel uncomfortable with what I asked you\


This I can do. Thanks for your ask Spanish Anon.


Overprotective Cousin (Pico)

- You have to keep him from using the 'shoot first ask questions later' method when meeting your boyfriends

- He will dig up dirt on everyone you interact with

- "Uncle D/N said I'm supposed to look after you, can you really blame me?"
"For putting a bullet into my date's leg? Yes, yes I can blame you."
"Awe come on N/N, you know I did that because I love you."

"No, you did it because you're paranoid of everyone being with Cassandra's crew. You seriously need to lay off!"

- He makes you frustrated very easily but you can't stay mad at him for very long

- You know that he just can't deal with losing anymore friends or family

- You run around with him a lot, and he keeps you out of trouble

- "Pico, isn't that your ex?"
"Sh*t, why does he have to be here...?"

"You want to just leave?"
  "No, I have to wait for Darnell-"
"I can just text him."
"You ok?"
 "I guess, it's just kinda complicated."
"I bet. Does it hurt you to see him with someone else?"
".....Does it matter?"
"It matters to me. If you don't feel comfortable talking about it, that's ok too."
  "Maybe later N/N...."

- You try to look after him too, he just doesn't seem to have a lot of friends left to do that


Overprotective Cousin (John)

- Tries to act like your dad sometimes

- "Y/N, do you really know them that well?"
"Omg John it's a first date! I'm not marrying them."
"You let me know how it goes so I can shoot the guy."
"John you're starting to sound like dad, stop."

- He's lost a lot of friends so you can't exactly blame him for being protective over you

- It's just his way of saying he loves you without having to say it verbally

- Keeps you off the battle field every time you try to help him

"Ok! Jesus Christ John...."

- He'll apologize for yelling at you when he gets back, as he always does

- "Do you know how dangerous that was?"
"I only wanted to help."
"Y/N, you're an untrained civilian, you have no business being on the battle field."

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