Married Life (Pico x Reader)

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Ask: Could you do Marriage life with pico? If you're comfortable with it Ofc

This is the first time I asked for a request with pico. I've been simpin for him recently 😅

- Tank


I don't see why not Tank anon! Pico can be soft too when he isn't threatening to shoot someone. Also Welcome back!


Married Life (Pico x Reader)

- "I thought this would feel different after we got married."
"Something wrong Pico?"
"No, I mean. I am happy. I guess people really hyped up the image of marriage too much." "I mean you won't have to worry about quite as many people hitting on me if that makes you feel any better."
"Ah...That does help."

- Life with him wouldn't be much different than before

- Besides for you moving your stuff into his apartment (if you haven't already) and him being more protective over you

- He's still out a lot of nights with Darnell "on the job" as they say

- You've got used to the guns by now

- You've also got used to him coming home at the wee hours of the night, just to cuddle up to you before passing out

- You two seem to go out into town together more, to which there is usually some light banter on his part

- "You should've seen it! I'm telling you Y/N!"
"I know, I miss out on a lot of you and Darnell's inside jokes."
"I know you would've laughed if you were there."
"I'm sure I would have."

- He's a lot more open about how he's feeling now, and seems to let down his 'walls' with you. He can be so....soft, it's almost strange

- Seems really clingy but is actually trying to just look after you

- The nights he wakes up with nightmares it's much easier to get him back to sleep usually just by talking to him

- "I hate that I keep seeing her in my dreams. I hate it so much."
"As far as I know Pico, Cassandra is dead. You have every right to be upset, but please try to think happy thoughts."
"I'm trying. Believe me..."
 "I know. You always make me proud by being as strong as you can be, and knowing when you can't handle the pressure."

"That's what the gun under my pillow is for babe..."
"Pico...that's just another reason you aren't sleeping well... That thing has to make it uncomfortable."
"A little."

"Can you feel safe enough to fall back asleep if it was still close enough to get to, but far enough that a misfire wouldn't hurt you?"
"Yes. I understand that it's your comfort object, I'm just asking."
"I can try. No promises."
"That's fine, thank you."

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