Tankman John/Pico/Sarvente w/ Demon! S/O

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Ask: Hey it's smiley anon tee hee. Can I ask for Tankman (John) (I simpfndjhd) pico, and sarvente with a reader letting out their secret of being a demon? And transforming. (Ik it sounds dumb i thought it was really cool-)


Heya Smiley Anon! Welcome back! Thanks for adding to Sarvente's list! As always, since there is more than one character selected, these will be on the shorter side. No biggie right?


Tankman John w/ Demon! S/O

- "I figured that much."
"Well I knew you weren't human that's for sure."
"How did you find out?"
"I saw you transform before, did you think I wasn't watching Y/N?"
"Think you can transform me again? I didn't really see your whole form."
"Is this for "military evaluation"?"
"That and my sheer curiosity."

- As he said he found out when you chose to transform on the battle field, why'd you think he wasn't watching over you?

- Your true form isn't all that much different from your normal form, besides for the horns and wings

- "Heh, cute."
"You don't really change much when you transform, but do you have some kind of power hidden that I don't know about?"

- And so goes the beginning of your "military evaluation"


Pico w/ Demon! S/O

- "Ok, so what I'm hearing is that I need to keep Nene as far as possible from you."
"Is she religious?"
"How sad, hopefully if she figures it out she won't be too harsh with me."


"What's your true form look like?"
"I can show you."

- You chose to tell him before he found out on his own

- Your true form makes you look bigger, mostly because of your wings, which are about as big as you are. Curved ram like horns adorn your head

- "Wow."
 "Want to scare the hell out of Nene?"
"Well, I can say that your demon form looks cool, but wasn't really what I was expecting."
"Don't say you were expecting the arrow tail and tiny horns! It's the stupidest idea that humans came up with, very few of us even look like that to begin with!"

- May use the excuse of being tired to get you to fly him back home


Sarvente w/ Demon! S/O

- "Hey me too!"
"I'm a demon too technically, did you forget Y/N?"
".....I don't really remember you telling me in the first place."
"Oh. Well my bad. Can I see your true form?"

- She probably found out on accident

- Your true form is somewhat similar to hers, with long horns that curve upwards, but your wings are too torn to allow you to fly much

- "What happened to your wings?"
"Too many fights."
"Hm...I know how to fix them!"
"Really? They hurt like hell, I'd love to see your solution to this."
"After this they won't hurt and you'll be able to fly again darling!"

- She ends up mending your wings, of course her magic is somewhat painful, but that seems to wash away quickly

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