Proposing to Agoti

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Ask: Hey treat , hope you're good

I hope you don't mind taking this request

Agoti reacting to reader proposing to him? (Agoti x fem!reader)




You trying to make me cry or something Tank? Because this be cute....

It may be short though, hope that's ok...


Proposing to Agoti

- To be honest he knew you had been acting off the past few weeks, but kind of pushed that thought to the side

- But when you had planned this romantic dinner for the two of you he definitely knew something was up

- "Why'd you go to so much trouble for me Y/N? We could've just stayed at home and watched a movie, I would've preferred that really..."
"I wanted today to be special."
"I didn't forget about some milestone in our relationship did I??"
"No, you're fine. You can relax."
"Thank god..."

- Dinner went off without a hitch, and things went pretty good up until you guys were walking home

- "Um..."
"I actually...have been trying to build the courage to ask you something important all day."
"I did notice that you seemed a little off lately. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just..."
"Just what?"
"Just afraid you'll say no."
 "Say no to what exactly?"

"To marrying me."

- He went completely silent, stiffening up, before he started to cry

- "That's what you've been trying to ask me all day?"
"What reason have you ever given me to say no? Of course I'll marry you."

- He happily accepted your proposal, though you'll have to get him to calm down a bit first before he's up to talking about anything in detail

- "I wasn't expecting you to be the one to propose to me..."
"Was it supposed to be the other way around?"

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