Yandere Garcello Headcanons

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Ask: Y,,,yandere garcello headcanons? 💞🥺👉👈


Since you have not gone and given yourself a nickname to refer to you as I will be picking one for you. You will be known as Heart Anon. Welcome to my blog.

Yandere Garcello

- You were probably already in a relationship with him before noticing anything strange (If you noticed anything at all)

- He's not exactly clingy per say, but appreciates your undivided attention

- Trusts that you love him almost as much as he does you

- He's one of the most lowkey yanderes out there

- Of course he's always around you

- But he'll never restrict your movements around town

- And respects when you want time alone

- He'll just stalk you from a safe distance to make sure you're ok

- He lets you do whatever you want so long as you aren't doing anything dangerous or going out with another guy that isn't a friend

- You would probably never notice that people who flirted with you went missing soon afterwards

- Most of them were just passerby's anyways

- If it was actually someone close to you, you'd be upset with their sudden absence

- "Garcello, do you think I said something to set them off?" "No, and you really shouldn't worry about it too much, I'm sure they turn up sooner or later."

- If their bodies are found, he'll console you

- "Garcello, what if I was the target and they just got in the way?" "You don't have to worry about it, you always have me to protect you." "But what if the same thing happens to you?" "Y/N, you know I'm a lot tougher than most people, I can handle myself. I'm more worried about you."

- Will have you believing that he's your personal bodyguard, and that if he gets in between you and someone else, that he had a bad feeling about them

- You will never notice that you're living with a murderer

- Well, that is if the police never catch on

- But Garcello did do his best to clean up after himself, so that's a very slim chance

- He lives to make you happy

- He'll deal with bullies, bosses, really anyone that makes you constantly uncomfortable, or anyone who tries to hurt you

- If you do manage to get hurt by someone while he isn't watching, his first priority is you

- He can always go after your attacker later, if the police don't beat him to it

- If he finds them first, he'll make them wish they was never born

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