Fluff Headcanons for Drunk Tabi

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ASK: Could we get some fluff HCs for a tipsy Tabi? I feel like he'd get really giggly, and that he'd have a cute laugh =w= 🦂


Hah Tipsy Tabi, I like that. Welcome to my blog Scorpion Anon!

Fluff Headcanons for Drunk Tabi

- Happy drunk

- He literally seems happier when he's drunk than when he's sober

- Mostly due to the fact that he isn't sober enough to keep up that mysterious guy persona he shows the world

- He either only gets tipsy then stops or he gets blackout drunk, there is no in between

- "You look *hic* like my S/O *hic*" "Tabi, I am your S/O." "YOU ARE? *hic* Damn I got *hic* lucky."

- At least he remembers he's in a relationship

- You're going to have to put him to bed

- "Time to sleep off your eventual hang over Tabi." "*hic* But I don't want *hic* to go to bed!" "Tabi this isn't up for debate."

- Childish? Maybe just a little

- He tried to get up out of bed after you left and ended up on the floor

- If you stay in bed with him he'll probably nuzzle you

- Slurred compliments

- Very affectionate

- Over all he just needs sleep to woke up with a bad headache

- "I'm never drinking again...." "You tried to collect an army of cats but couldn't make it through the front door." "Yep. Definitely not drinking again."

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