S/O's Art On Garcello's Album Cover

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ASk: Ok but I can imagine garcello using artist S/O's art (with permission, ofc) for his album cover

Wow who made this art for ur album, it looks really well made

My s/o! :)


I'm not sure if this is an ask or rather a cute "think about it" imagine scenario. Please do address yourself in your ask through the use of your given nickname or create one for the next ask you make. This is to keep me from being confused, and to connect with my readers.

For this I will make a brief imagine, please do make your ask in question form next time, or you will not be answered.


S/O's Art On Garcello's Album Cover

- He knew you were one of the most creative people in his life by this point in your relationship

- It just so happened that one of his most recent album's was meeting it's completion

- The only thing that was left to do was to commission an artist to create a piece for the album's cover

- He pondered on asking you for a few days

- When he finally asked, he was surprised that you had already made a piece for the album already

- "How'd you know I was going to ask you?" "I didn't. I did this for fun. If you want to use it, feel free."

- With the addition of your artwork, his album was complete

- And he was back to the drawing boards to create his next hit

- In an interview with RD, when questioned about the artist's work, he was very open about it being yours

- Took all complements on it with a beaming pride

- He's happy that you could be that entangled into his life

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