Whitty & Tabi w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

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ASK: hey again! im very sorry about the last ask i made. and if you dont mind, can i request some hcs of whitty and tabi with an s/o who runs a daycare? - nosey anon


Now this I can do, nannies are very coolio. Welcome back btw!

Y/N is mostly looking over kids that are in between 3 and 6 yrs old on a weekly basis.


Whitty w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

- Oh Jesus

- He's being tripped by children on the way in to see you

- So uncomfortable with children running around him

- "Are you Y/N's boyfriendddd?" "Yes." "Eww, you aren't going to make out with them in front of us are you?" "No! Who do you think I am?" "I know who he is! That's Whitty, he's a rapper my dad likes."

- The fact that a child recognized him was concerning to a degree, considering that some of his rap can be rather violent in nature

- "You ok Whitty?" "These children are driving me crazy." "You want to take a break?" "I COULD TAKE A BREAK BEFORE?" "You didn't have to play with them at all Whitty."

- His head is on the kitchen table

- He didn't really want children before, and this reinforced that

- "I'm never having kids." "Oh calm down, you're just overwhelmed because there is so many of them in one space." "No I'm overwhelmed because they're little savages." "They haven't learned to calm down yet."

- The fact that you take care of the same children on a weekly bases except for when you're out those days, makes him calm down a little

- He still is going to be awkward with children


Tabi w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare

- The kids probably think he's coolest person ever due to the whole goat skull

- He doesn't actually mind it much, but he can get sensory overload from it

- "Hey mister, were you born like that?" "You look so cool!" "Yeah totally awesome!" "Isn't he a rapper too?" "That's so cool!" "Teach us how to rap please?" "Yeah come on!"

- He's sweating bullets, he's not used to getting positive attention from children

- Most of the one's he'd encountered previously screamed and ran from him

- "Y/N, why do they like me?" "Well most of them think you look cool, and some have been exposed to your music." "Well, at least they aren't screaming and running from me." "They did that to me an hour ago, you're lucky."

- This actually may make him want kids at some point, if he can handle a bunch at one time like this, then what harm could one do?

- A lot but don't tell him that

- "This isn't so bad." "Did someone tell you not to have children?" "No, I just thought that due to my appearance, that children would always be scared of me." "Quite the contrary, think of all the kids who have big bad police men as parents. Also, Tori drew a picture of you. It's on the fridge." "Dammit it's cute." "Fan-mail usually is."

- While he isn't the best with kids, this is good practice for him

- Just try to make sure that no one grabs onto his horns

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