Friendship w/ Skid & Pump (Child! Reader)

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Ask: hi!!! can i request friendship headcanons for skid & pump with a child reader?


Hi! Since you have not picked a designated nickname to be referred to, you will now be know as Skid Anon. I don't see why not to do this, those two are adorable.


Friendship w/ Skid & Pump (Child! Reader)

- You are at the same risk of harm when hanging out with them that they are

- Which means you could be in danger a lot

- Whether or not you may not really realize it, it's still bad

- These boys run into shady people all the time and have almost been kidnapped a few times already

- These two are known for wearing Halloween costumes year round, which you've become used to seeing

- It's become so common in your life that you've doodled the boys over and over

- Presenting them these drawings would make them very happy

- After being friends with them for a while the "spooky month" spirit may just rub off on you

- You cautiously participate in the good intentioned chaos those two bring

- They believe anything you tell them

- You tell them tales of your adventures with fairies and dragons and they are just soaking it all in

- "What color was your dragon friends?" "Yeah, do they like spooky month? We could all be friends!" "Ah the dragons were all different colors! And I didn't get to ask about spooky month, they all had to go home. I'm not sure if they'll come back again." "'re so lucky to have seen them Y/N."

- It's very easy to get them to come inside when you realize you're in danger because of their gullibility

- "I think I heard a child eating monster guys! Let's get out of here!" "Y/N, wait for us!" "Yeah! Wait up Y/N!"

- They'll protect you from anyone that outwardly threatens you, mostly by picking you up and running

- You three had probably fed and played with every cat in the neighborhood

- They keep mentioning spooky month when they spot a black one

- When spooky month actually does roll around, you'll end up trick-or-treating with the boys

- And then probably end up trading candy

- Let's hope you guys stay friends forever, like you promised Skid and Pump

- Please don't abandon them :(

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