Garcello w/ Short & Tough S/O

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ASK: 🩹's here! *sips honey tea* thank you for the comfort, I appreciate your kind words!💕 May I have some hcs for Garcello (he's such a comfort character hfhfh) with an s/o who is short af but LOOK OUT THEY CAN KICK ASS— maybe they have a punching bag in their room labeled "my enemies" 😂 but they also look like an absolute sweetheart, I'm talking pastel clothes and cute faces- thankss!!


Hey Band-aid anon. Welcome back.


Garcello w/ Short & Tough S/O

- He's probably used your punching bags when you were out of the room

- Doesn't exactly mind that you're both cute and deadly on occasions

- He knows better than to get you angry though, even if you wouldn't hurt him

- "You're going to fight them?" "Yeah, they were making comments about you again. I'm not just going to sit by while they insult you." "Alright, I'm getting popcorn then." "What?" "Well I'm going to watch you kick their ass." "Oh."

- The amount of times people have over estimated your strength because of your cute look is funny to him

- He still helps you reach things that are up higher if you ask him to

- Has things in his house lower on the shelves because of this

- "Babe?" "Yeah?" "Why did you move things lower?" "Well I know you were having issues reaching them." "I could've used a chair." "I thought it might just be more convenient for you." "Oh, well, thank you." "Don't mention it."

- Will hold you off of his friends if they set you off on accident

- "Y/N, calm down!" "LET ME AT THEM!" "NO!"

- Has to literally calm you down a lot

- Mostly by engulfing you in his jacket and refusing to let go of you

- It's cute but seriously what are you? A baby T-rex?

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