Friendship w/ Tankman John

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ASK: May i be 🔵 Anon? Im also new to this blog :3

May I request Platonic Male General Reader and Tankman John? Like Reader is the General of the Tankman and hes friends with John?


Hello Blue Anon. Welcome to my blog. The Platonic stuff is very good, but I'm not exactly sure that Tankman have ranks above corporal. At least, not that I've read or am aware of. So this'll be just be like working buddies.


Friendship w/ Tankman John

- You'd have to never cause any problems with this guy to get on his good side first

- He'll always use you as a positive example for the others to go by

- If you're friends with him, you're probably friends with Steve too

- They'll both keep you from getting killed on the battle field

- If you get napped by the enemy they'll come to get you with reinforcements

- "You really shouldn't let your guard down Y/N. We don't want this happening again." "Yeah I know, they got me from behind when I was least expecting it." "Try to stay closer to us next time."

- He won't let you go in front him, he can't risk you getting a bullet

- Values and appreciates that you never abandon the team even in the most dire of situations you get stuck in

- "Y/N, get back to base it isn't safe enough for you here!" "The hell you talking about John? I'm perfectly fine!"

- He doesn't have the time to watch you mow over enemy numbers like he'd like to

- He and Steve get extremely pissed if you come back to base with injuries after they told you to take cover and you didn't listen

- "You have any idea just how close you were to dying this time?!" "That was rather irresponsible Y/N." "John, Steve, just how many times have you guys done the exact same thing?" "That doesn't matter!" "Well in that case, I was as close to death as I am every time I enter the battle field with you two." "Y/N!"

- In a way you could say it's like being friends with a Doberman

- And the term "birds of a feather" could also be applied to this

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