Garcello & Whitty w/ S/O Who "Borrows" Their Clothes

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ASK: Hi :)) can I request garcello & whitty with an s/o that borrows their clothes a lot? - skid anon


Hi Skid Anon! OOO the cute stuff!

Garcello w/ S/O Who "Borrows" Their Clothes

- Would be the type to leave out clothes for you to swipe

- Even lets you wear his hoodie if he isn't going anywhere that day

- Will have some level of issue with you swiping his hat

- He wants to hide his eyes for a reason, let him

- "You want to wear my jacket?" "Yes!" "Here." "Heck yeah!" "You really love my clothes don't you?" "Your clothes do make me feel comfortable yes." "Hope the smell of my cigs doesn't bother you too much." "It's comforting so long as I'm not getting a puff of smoke to the face."

- He thinks it's cute that you'll wear his clothes around the house

- On the off-chance it's too big for you he'd probably stifle a laugh

- "I think that's a bit too big on you Y/N." "Don't care. It's fluffy and warm." "Well I have been wearing it most of the day..."

- Will have to take it from you when it needs washed

- "But then the smoke smell will be gone..." "Trust me it doesn't stay gone long enough to get comfortable with." "Mmm."

- He will probably let you wear it before he does, so he can have a comforting scent of your perfume/cologne when he leaves the house


Whitty w/ S/O Who "Borrows" Their Clothes

- Probably wouldn't notice you were wearing his clothes if you didn't steal his favorite hoodie

- "Y/N, have you seen my hoodie-" "Ah..." "Oh, you're wearing it." "Yeah." "Why?" "Because it smells like you and makes me feel comfortable." "Oh. I'll just find something else to wear then."

- Doesn't really mind so long as you return his clothes when he needs them

- His hoodie would probably be a dress on you, he is pretty tall

- "You're going to end up wearing that to bed, aren't you?" "Yep." "It's that comfortable for you?" "Exactly."

- Doesn't really get why you like wearing his clothes

- But he won't complain about it

- The familiar scent of your perfume/cologne you leave behind is oddly comforting to him when your not with him

- Would start leaving his clothes out more often because of that

- "You don't need your hoodie right now, Whitty?" "No, go ahead and wear it." "Sweet."

- Makes him feel more human than you'd think

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