Tankman John Wedding Headcanons

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Ask: You haven't mentioned that you don't do John could you do wedding head cannons of Tankmen John and Steve (separate) x reader 🥺


Please identify yourself with the nickname "Tank Anon" for you next ask. Since you neglected to read the rules you do not have the option to pick your nickname. Tankman John is a fnf character for week 7, Steve is not. I can not write for Steve, as I do not write for the Tankman series created on Newgrounds. Any mention of Steve is purely based on relationships established to me by other writers, as well as any other mentioned Tankmen characters or jobs.


Tankman John Wedding Headcanons

- Steve is his best man, and probably one of the few men he let attend the ceremony

- Since this is such a sensitive time, the ceremony is strictly private

- He doesn't need his fellow soldiers making fun of him if he were to tear up during the service

- He's most likely very emotional, but hides it with a very concealing poker face

- He's still got his guard up, just because this is his wedding doesn't mean there won't be any "party crashers"

- He has a gun hidden in his suit due to that paranoia

- He at least tries to do things by the books

- Which means he left his helmet somewhere in your "honeymoon" suite

- Due to his line of work, and the constant threat of you getting hurt, he has not written vows

- He will keep it short and sweet by making the remark that he didn't think this would ever happen to him, and that he'd lay his life on the line to keep you safe

- Didn't really care about the whole set up such as flowers and color themes, the whole idea of choosing only made it that more real for him, and he still needed time to breathe before the event actually took place

- That being said, he still wasn't ready when it was time

- He was extremely nervous

- You could see him shaking when you placed the ring on his hand

- After the ceremony is over he lets out the breath he didn't know he had been holding

- He doesn't want to carry you to your room though, he can't get to his weapon fast enough if he does

- In your suite, he admits that he felt like he was going to pass out

- "I didn't really think that there would be so much pressure building up on me just over the thought of marriage."
"You didn't have to go through with it, I would have understood if it felt too soon for you." "That's not what I meant, I did want this. I wanted you. I just felt so many emotions at once and didn't know how to handle them."
"You had a great poker face dear but your shaking hands kinda told me that."

- Due to him being asexual, nothing other than talking took place after the ceremony was over

- "You're not going to get sick of me, are you Y/N?"
"I wouldn't have married you if I was. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere until death due us part." "I'll keep that from happening anytime soon."
"I would sure hope so."

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