Overprotective/Jealous Senpai w/ S/O

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ASK: Heeeeey... Mind if I get some overprotective/jealous Senpai x reader hcs? Then maybe some fluff ones like how he shows affection? Please call me radioactive anon. - ☢


Hello Radioactive Anon! Welcome to my blog! I take this like a two-parter ask, my first two-parter, so it might be a little shorter in one section. I'm glad you asked for a character I haven't wrote for yet! I liked Senpai's week in-game.


- After the whole incident with BF, the only other one to be thrown into the game was you

- He was very surprised of course

- Didn't stop him from trying to get close to you

- He wasn't prepared for when the relationship with you to start feeling real


Overprotective/Jealous Senpai w/ S/O

- Hurt/flirt with the one person who makes him feel alive? Hope you have your grave dug already, he's giving you hell for it

- This man can be borderline yandere in some cases

- I say borderline because you'd have to attempt to kill his S/O for him to erase you

- Anyone who spreads rumors or publicly shames you for anything is getting a backhand to the face and a reputation plummet

- He is not afraid to be petty, he will ruin their reputation to the point were no will even talk to them anymore

- Similar things happen when anyone tries to flirt with you

- Only he will tell them off first, then drag you away from them

- "Senpai...are you ok?" "I'm fine love, I just hate others getting that close to you." "I tried telling him I was taken..." "Did you now? Well I'm glad you did, I'm sorry they didn't get the hint." "Yeah it was really uncomfortable for me. Thank you for saving me." "Anything for you love."

- He can get jealous really easily, as he doesn't like anyone getting close to you in the first place (especially not his "fan-club")

- Doesn't treat anyone trying to tear you two apart with any respect

- He doesn't want to lose you to someone else


Senpai's Affectionate Side

- Even after wooing you over he never drops the honey-dipped attitude of his towards you

- Touch starved

- You have his full attention when talking, no one else will pull him away

- If they even try he will shoot them an angry glare before turning back to you

- Very affectionate, both verbally and physically so long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable

- PDA happens often, senpai literally doesn't care

- "I love you so much Y/N." "Senpai people are staring." "So?"

- That is unless it bothers you of course

- Tries to cater to your needs often, even if you tell him you're fine

- "You remind me of a golden retriever Senpai." "Why's that? Do you find me that loyal?" "No, you're constantly giving me affection." "Am I not supposed to?"

- Questions whether you're uncomfortable, if not he continues to cuddle up to you

- Can and will hug/cuddle you when he has the time

- Always makes sure you're ok, cheers you up on bad days

- Wants you to feel as loved as you make him feel

- Returning the affection he gives you will serve to make him even more clingy

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