Burn Comfort With Tabi

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ASK: Heyo! Please call me ☁️ Anon! I had my hand burnt by wax today because I was stupid to carry a candle while sitting down. Can I have a fic where Selever, Agoti or Tabi comforts fem! Reader who burnt their hand on accident? Sorry if it's not the kind of request you expect, I'm feeling kinda down and my hand still hurts


Ah hiyah cloud anon! I'm so sorry you got burnt! I know your pain. I'll have to pick Tabi bc I don't know enough about Selever and Agoti to write for them.

Burn Comfort With Tabi

- You would think Tabi being how he is would try scolding you further for pulling something like this.

- He told you to be careful with candles in the first place, not to mention you could've burned more than just you hand.

- "I really wish you'd be more careful with these types of things Y/N. I'm not always going to be around to patch you up." "Yeah in hindsight I probably shouldn't have been carrying around a lit candle in my hand...Sorry."

- Tabi exhaled a sigh and quickly got back to dealing with your burn. Shaking his head, he wonders what he's going to do with you.

- "I'm just glad this isn't as bad as the last time you got hurt." You remembered faintly what he meant before paling a little.

- "Yeah let's not repeat the past-" "Nor the future accidents that I'm going to have to keep you from making."

- For the rest of the day Tabi made sure to look over you to make sure you weren't doing anything that may cause your burn to become worse.

-"Thank you for caring so much Tabi." With a smile he says, "Thank you for being in my life in the first place Y/N."

- He then drags you to bed, under the pretense of "keeping you from touching things and to get some rest."

- Let's be honest that's probably a good reason

- Tabi will be much more careful over watching what you do after your burn heals completely

- Reminders that you may be doing something potentially harmful before you get hurt again

- Back to the burn, he looked up the proper way to treat it off of Google, and then double checks the sources so that he doesn't make the burn worse

- Probably tried to teach you to write with your other hand so that you wouldn't irritate the burn

- Basically becomes more protective over you the more times you get hurt

- Never really scolds you, he doesn't want to upset you further

Sorry if this isn't what you were looking for.

Edit: I had to leave for a few hours, I wasn't at my computer to finish it properly. I added a little. Hope this helps cloud anon!

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