Fire Trauma (Garcello) & (Tabi) & (Tankman John)

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ASK: Hello! I'm new here and I've read your rules and hope you're having a good day! Hope this isn't too sensitive, but can you do Tabi, Agoti, Tankman (John) and Garcello with a gender neutral s/o who has pyrophobia (fear of fire)?? Like, they once survived a building that was on fire when they were young, and still have some burn scars from it and trying to recover? How will the boys react? --Monochrome Anon


Ok, I'm really sorry for the delay Monochrome Anon. Welcome to my blog by the way! I really appreciate you stopping by. I will have to cut it down to three characters, I hope that's ok. I would like to write for Tabi, Tankman John, and Garcello. As per longer asks, each scenario will be a little shorter. If you want me to write more though, I'd be happy to!

Fire Trauma (Garcello)

- He didn't really know at first until a small fire broke out in his kitchen

- He was able to get it extinguished, by the time he looked back at you though, you were curled up in a ball in the corner of the room rocking back and forth

- You had explained what sent you into your anxiety induced state after he had calmed you down enough

- "Y/N, I wish you had told me sooner." "I didn't think it'd become a problem..." "Even if it didn't, I still needed to know, how else am I supposed to protect you?" "Protect? I don't need protection." "Then I can still comfort you, right?"

"I don't like thinking about it... all that much." "I realize that thinking back to that day causes you a lot of pain, so let's try not to dwell on it for so long ok?" "Mm." "Just try to lay down and breathe. It's ok."

"I don't like that the others point it out when they see the scars." "I can deal with that for you. If it means anything, I still think you're beautiful exactly the way you are."

- Would never judge you for your scars, and won't let anyone else do it either, his main priority is to bring you comfort


Fire Trauma (Tankman John)

- He knew about your trauma, as you two had been friends for a long time

- The burn scars you received from the fire all that long time ago were as clear as day too, as part of your face had been caught in the flames

- "It looks like they're starting to heal again. That's good." "Thank you." "Why are you thanking me?" "For not being disgusted by my scars, or for not trying to tell me that I don't need to worry about my phobia."

"You have a perfectly valid reason to be afraid of fire Y/N, anyone that says otherwise can taste lead." "You don't have to shoot them, just... I don't know, remove me from the situation?" "I can do that if that makes you more comfortable."

"It would, believe me it would." "I'm sorry that the others can't see just how beautiful you are Y/N." "John..." "I know, but please just remember that I think that every time I look at you."

- He knows that on many occasions that the enemy uses smoke bombs and molotov cocktails in battle, and to avoid from triggering your panic response, he has you stationed with the medic at base

- He wants you to feel safe more than anything else


Fire Trauma (Tabi)

- Another one that knew already, you had disclosed it when you two started dating

- He never let anyone say anything bad about your visible scars, and comforted you when anyone chose to do so

- "Your scars show the battle that you had to face at such a young age." "I don't like it, it's a constant reminder of that day.....If I think about it too much"

"Y/N, please look at me, you're ok. Just breathe, you're safe." "Tabi..."

"I know, I know that people point them out, I know that they make you feel sick about something you couldn't have stopped from happening, and I know just exactly how you feel about those people who have the nerve to stop and stare like you're a freak." "Tabi, please. I'm fine." "It'll never be fine if they can't see just how beautiful you really are Y/N!"

- He makes sure to avoid any areas where fires have broke out on more than one occasion, and helps you clean and fire proof the house

- He just wants you to feel safe at home, and in your own skin again


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